Chapter 68: Meeting

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Chapter 68: Meeting

3 Months later

A few months after the case that was finally concluded with Mark and Caroline's trial, Judy and Nick were finally able to get on with themselves and their lives. Although they had enjoyed the police case, this one had been too drawn out and stressful for both of them. They spent a lot of time on this case at the time completely forgetting about themselves and their cases. Neither of them expected that a kidnap mystery could contain so many twists and turns! It was almost like a film - the further you got to the bottom of the case, the more intricate the puzzle became!

Over the course of 3 months, the relationship between Nick and Mark, in general in the Wilde family improved. Nick and his mother visited Mark very often and he had behaved much more calmly and considerately since his sentence. The fox also seemed to feel better after the case was over, no longer wanting to be involved and voluntarily submitting to a custodial sentence. He was fortunate that Nick eventually decided to destroy the most important evidence in the case deciding whether he would have a life sentence or not. Nick himself, over time, realised what a good decision he had made by listening to his girlfriend, who had advised him to destroy the evidence of the crime. He could see that his father was slowly returning to the path of goodness. It had been a long time since he had felt those positive vibes towards his family that really said it was going to be okay! Fox felt very proud of this, that despite his unexpected encounter with his father, he could actually acknowledge him without shame. As for Caroline - she also experienced humility, she didn't cause trouble in prison, Nick occasionally visited her to see how she was doing. He did not want to talk to her, even though she often tried to make contact with him he was constantly immeasurable and without a chance she explained to him that she had now really changed. It was over.

Over a period of three months, Judy also managed to rebuild a relationship with her parents, who, on finding out about her boyfriend's species, were completely heartbroken and distraught. How could Judy fall in love with a fox! It was unthinkable to them. It was unthinkable to them! Every rabbit in the area sincerely hated foxes, it was obvious to every one of them, Judy was the exception that shocked her family without hiding it. At first they didn't want to speak to her, trying to ignore her attempts at communication, but they understood that she was still their daughter and decided to give her a second chance to explain how she came to have a fox as her other half. Initially it wasn't easy for her to do this, Stu being the main obstacle to coming to an understanding, but thanks to the help of her sister Judy, she managed to persuade the two parents to get to know Nick better so they could see that not every fox is a ruthless cheat and predator. Judy's sister played a big part in the plan, as she was the one who told how Judy had been wooing her boyfriend, which prompted Judy's parents to meet up day by day.

That was the day - on 15 March, Judy and Nick decided to go to the Hopps family for the first time together to present in front of the doe's parents, with the aim of finally convincing them of their relationship, which seemed like something abstract to them. Both parties agreed to meet, it seemed that Bonnie had been looking forward to getting to know Judy's partner more closely for some time. As time went on, she was quite positive about the meeting, although she was the one who was most affected by the information about the relationship with the fox. After those 3 months of discussing it and constantly talking about it she came to the conclusion that she should give Nick a chance after all, if Judy is with him he can't be that bad, right?

Stu, on the other hand, was full of worry about how the meeting could go down, he imagined a bad ending every time, with both parties arguing. He himself didn't know why he thought that, from birth he had been told that foxes were the greatest evil one could meet, and their daughter was with him! Persuading him to change his attitude did nothing, the only solution left to find out was to meet fear face to face.

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