Chapter 33: Riverstreet

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Chapter 33: Riverstreet

Riverstreet was one of the richer streets in the fox district. The place was decorated with masses of Christmas lights, and practically on every corner stood a Christmas tree several meters tall being richly decorated boasting its attributes. There were Christmas decorations hanging on every shop sign, which surprised even Nick, who couldn't remember seeing even one Christmas light in this place in his youth. This place also had the most top brand shops, where only the richest practically flocked to buy something worthy for themselves. The restaurant that is located on Riverstreet was also not one of the cheapest in the city, it was representative of those top establishments where you can eat something.  The prices were quite high, nobody even discussed it, but the food was pure poetry, it reminded simple but indescribably tasty food like in the days of youth, when everyone ate at home. Even though the prices were there, people stayed there all the time, you couldn't complain about a lack of customers, especially during the winter period when everyone wants to go for some warm, energetic meal.

Nick and Judy decided to split up and ask the shop clerks, or employees of the establishments, if they had seen anything suspicious in the area, or noticed any unusual behavior or anything that might lead to some additional clues. Fox took the east wing of the street and Judy the west. The division might have allowed them to explore the area more quickly, which might not have been too big, so that the clues would not be so, and they were very important at this time. Every minute counted when it came to the disappearance.

Upon entering the clothing shop, Nick was surprised by the modern design of the place. The white, shiny tiled floors, the partial walls replaced with full-length glass, and the modernistic ceiling left him in awe of the fox, who had only been in a shop like this once when he wanted to buy a gift for Judy and wandered around the shops, which he didn't do very often. There were hangers placed all around him with T-shirts, trousers and other pieces of clothing for Nick to try on. Out of curiosity, he peeked under the tag of one of these garments, he was left severely surprised when he noticed the price of $150 for one simple t-shirt with a mundane white pattern.
"Prices are more expensive than in Zootopia" thought Nick. He put the tag down and went to the cash register to get what he came for.
"Good morning, Nick Wilde, police. " The fox introduced himself, pulling out a gold, shiny, police officer's badge. The woman behind the counter greeted him, adjusted her glasses and looked at the badge as if to check it wasn't a fake.
"Good morning. Can I help you?"
"There have been reports of missing city citizens in this area in recent days. We're looking for evidence, sightings, anything that can help us. Have you seen any strange behaviour in the area, any suspicious people?"
"To be honest I haven't seen anything like that, there's honestly not much going on around here the last few days" the woman replied.
"Do you have any CCTV footage?"
Asked the fox.
"We do, but they only record the entrance to the shop. But if you want, I can show you" replied the woman. The fox was a little discouraged by this news, but agreed by nodding his head. He and the woman made their way to the back of the shop, to the security room, where a strongly built fox was sitting, sipping coffee from his desk and turned around lazily when he heard the sound of the door opening. Upon seeing the policeman's badge hanging from the fox's chest, he turned back and took the coffee cup to his paws again.
"Actually you can't see anything" muttered the fox quietly when he could actually see that he would not see anything useful from these cameras.
"Unfortunately, I'm sorry. But you can walk to the shop next to ours, maybe there will be a better view of the area from the cameras" the woman suggested.
"That's what I'll have to do, thanks for your help see you later" replied Nick. He let the woman pass him on the way out of the surveillance room and then left the shop

When Nick went to the second shop, Judy went to the shop that was even indicated for her, it turned out that the first shops belonged to the category of fashion and elegance. Stepping inside, Judy immediately noticed the racks filled with velvety perfumes, the smell of which immediately wafted into her nostrils. Her olfactory sensitive nose immediately picked up the composition of several perfumes, which combined to create a beautiful, delicate scent that compelled the rabbit to walk around the shop a bit and smell more of these beautiful scents. She made her way to the women's perfume section, from which was coming out a delicate, balsamic scent that drew her to walk around a bit surrounded by these beautiful perfumes. She tried to resist the scents, but ultimately decided that a moment's break wouldn't hurt anyone.

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