Chapter 49: Death

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Chapter 49: Death

"To all units, I repeat to all units! A person has been found dead under the south exit bridge from the Fox District, most likely a suicide, but we are not sure. We ask everyone to report and come to the scene!"

On a cold morning the bad news was already being heard as police patrolled around the investigation area. A few days after Judy had been taken to hospital it emerged that someone had most likely committed suicide, with the result that the police had to split their forces in part to be able to indentify the figure who had done this. First of all, they had to drive to the scene Bogo, who on entering his office met Caroline, who had been waiting for him for a good few minutes. The commandant looked in the direction of the vixen with a slight embarrassment not knowing what she wanted from him.

"You must come with me to the north bridge of the Fox District," Caroline began in a grim tone.

"What for? Don't you know we're conducting an important investigation for all of Zootopia? We don't have time..."

"It's suicide," interjected Caroline. Bogo immediately understood the situation, he sighed heavily nodding with a movement of his head. For a moment he didn't know what to say, he hadn't expected such a fact. It was obvious that he had agreed to the inspection.

"Alright then. If necessary, let's go," agreed the commandant after a moment's consideration.

The morose air was making its presence known first thing in the morning. The low temperature together with the light dusting of snow made it really unpleasant outside, and it didn't look like it was going to get any better over the next twelve hours. A light pinchy wind was blowing, which was especially hard on anyone not wearing headgear. Although it seemed that spring was getting closer, it was still only a false illusion, which was abruptly interrupted by successive snow storms. In such weather it was hard to think, let alone intervene in a matter that required more thinking, but there was no other way, it was necessary to go to the place as soon as possible so that the media did not find out about it. The less they know the better. They had already made matters worse once, when they publicised the issue of the missing foxes and the fact that the police were most simply not up to the task that was assigned to them, although officially they never admitted this.

After 30 minutes of driving, Commander Bogo and Caroline in the foxes' private car arrived at the scene. Two police cars were already standing under the bridge, which was empty; the officers were already surveying the area where the tragedy happened. Seeing the black car, the two officers approached it, they knocked on the window to communicate that this was not the area they should be in, but they quickly changed their intentions when they saw the two commanders coming out of the police cars.

"What do we have here?" Asked one of Bogo's officers as he stepped out of the car. He stretched and looked around the area where the incident had happened. The place under the bridge was, as expected, empty, nothing of interest except a rubbish pail and the graffiti that had been painted on the wall of the bridge. From a distance, the commander could already see the slight outline of a pool of blood inside a square marked with yellow and black police tape.

"The fox, most likely, jumped off the bridge. We do not yet know who he is, where he came from or why he did it. " replied the officer. The three of them approached other police officers who were working on the corpse taking close-up photos and collecting the evidence they found. The sight of the fallen fox in a pool of blood sent a slight shiver through Caroline and Bogo's body. It had been a long time since they had seen such a drastic image that would stay in their minds for a long time. Commander Bogo, on quick reflection, couldn't tell when they had last received a report of a suicide, it was quite a rare occurrence in and around Zootopia.

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