Chapter 24: Flares

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Chapter 24: Flares

The Zootopia patrol was passing peacefully and there were no major incidents that Nick and Judy had to intervene to. Within a couple of hours they received a call on the radio to drive up to a particular location to see what was going on there. Several times people had been spotted being overly active in one place, so it was a good idea to check what was going on there. Luckily for everyone it was nothing important to take police intervention, so the fox and the rabbit had time to themselves, which they used to chat. The whole time they were staying together Judy had a strange suspicion that Nick was somehow absent-minded, that he was circling somewhere in his thoughts, she just wasn't sure what he was thinking about. Her suspicions were mainly directed towards Caroline, who her boyfriend was staring at in an unusually passionate way for him, she didn't like it very much, but she didn't want to start an unnecessary counter discussion that wouldn't have any effect. She didn't hide the fact that she suspected something, though, because every now and then she would let out a look for Nick indicating that she suspected something, which the fox pointed out when it started to irritate him a little.

"Judy, I know that look. I know that look, I just don't know why you're looking at me like that..."

"I'm thinking to myself..."

"About what?" Nick asked curiously. The rabbit quickly blushed at those words as she realized she couldn't think of anything to say other than the truth that was carrying on her tongue for her. Fortunately the fox did not expect any response from her he laughed ironically starting a topic different to the conversation.

As it got darker and soon the sky was already covered in grey and instead of a bright porpure there were stars scattered on a dark guaranteed background, Nick and Judy as instructed put themselves at the station punctually at 6 p.m. On the drive to the place Judy was amazed at how beautiful the city looked with dozens of neon lights that illuminated the gloomy night weather that occurred in winter. If it wasn't for these neon lights illuminating the buildings with different colours and patterns, the city would have been a sight and place that was very bleak, off-colour and depressing. In summer everything seems to be more vibrant and colourful, which is why the days in Zootopia and the nights can be beautiful and unforgettable. Winter was quite a special season. On the one hand, there was the Christmas atmosphere, which put everyone in a great mood without exception, and on the other hand, the week off for most people gave reason to be happy. Then everyone had time to share their joy and there was an opportunity to take a break from work, which could be stressful. On the other hand, winter was often considered a sad and depressing season due to the cold and often unpleasant weather it offered (hardly anyone in Zootopia liked sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow). Moreover, the short day meant that people went home after 4 p.m. straight from work and did not go out into the city, precisely because of the unpleasant weather conditions.

After these considerations that Judy had in her mind, they both got out of the car and immediately felt the chill that prevailed in the cold.

"Ah! It must be below zero..."

Said Nick shivering slightly. Their police uniforms weren't very warm and their thicker uniforms were in the cloakroom where things other than uniforms were put away right there. Uniforms and badges were the only thing they could take out of the police station. When they went inside, their immediate attention was drawn to a new officer who was sitting at a computer and staring blankly at the computer monitor. He looked like he had been up all night, and had been working since early morning without a single coffee break. Nick and Judy quickly realised that this must be Deputy Clawhauser, who had started his week off just as he had announced.

"Hi, you're the new one aren't you?" Nick asked. He walked up to him and greeted him, Judy did the same.

"Yes it's me, I'm James, nice to meet you. You guys are probably Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps?"

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