Chapter 61: Mark

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Chapter 61: Mark

"Give up! You have nowhere left to run, it's all over, you've lost!" Cried Nick when it was just him, Judy and the main perpetrator of this research in the room. They were locked in the room, most likely no one knew they were here yet so they had time to complete their case. Nick, with a trembling scope, was all the time pointed at the top of the chair on which the suspected fox sat, who did not seem upset by the situation.

"Maybe not necessarily, please put down that rifle and let's talk calmly..."

"It's too late now! You'd better surrender, or we'll act more controversially!" Replied Nick hardily, but the fox laughed quietly at his words.

"Nick, I see you don't know who I am yet..." The fox sighed. He slowly turned towards Judy and Nick presenting his true identity.

When the fox showed his face, for Judy it seemed that she had seen this face somewhere before, this voice also seemed similar to her...she recalled that she had encountered a fox being bullied by other passengers on the journey to her family home.

"Wait a minute...I recognise you...were you the one going to Sunshine city?" Asked Judy directly. The fox laughed smartly feeling overly proud that the doe was putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Yes, that was me. I had to get into town somehow in a way that wasn't too conspicuous, so I disguised myself as an elderly gentleman to have peace from stupid questions. I see you were quick to spot who I am, congratulations. And you Nick, do you recognise me yet?" The fox asked. Judy looked over at Nick, he seemed shocked at this sight as he lowered his machine gun slowly and opened his mouth slightly with emotion, something Judy didn't understand. After all, it was virtually impossible for them to know each other!"

"Wait a minute, how would Nick know who you are when you don't even know each other! From what you said you're..."

"Yes, I said I was Jim Tamber, but that's not my real name..."

"Then what's your real..."

"Dad?" Nick finally asked in disbelief. Judy hearing the word also made her very embarrassed and she looked confusedly at the fox, who started laughing ironically again.

"Yes Nick, that's me! How glad I am that we could finally see each other, it's been so many years!" Replied the fox. He turned his chair towards them, presenting himself to them. Nick lowered his rifle slightly after a moment, pointing it at the ground before anything happened between them, while Judy looked at the fox's supposed father, seeing the resemblance between him and Nick (they both had clever expressions on their faces), the doe was beginning to associate that face from somewhere, only she couldn't recall exactly. She wasn't the only one who started to associate something, the fox also started to stare at her, then burst out laughing again which embarrassed the two officers.

"You! I associate you too...when I was going to Sunshine City two passengers started accosting me, then you helped me... because it was you right?" The fox asked. Judy received confirmation - it was the elderly battered gentleman she had rescued! She was surprised at how he looked now, much better and younger.

"Judy? You didn't tell me anything about that," asked an embarrassed Nick.

"There was nothing to talk about! I didn't want you to get upset...yes it was me...but your last name wasn't Wilde, surely!"

"You did the right thing girl, Nick is terribly oversensitive about it...of course I had another name! I escaped from Zootopia, do you think I would have given my real details? My name is Mark Wilde, if that's what you need to know" replied Mark. A truly bizarre situation, the head of the corporation that is planning an attack on all of Zootopia is Nick's father! It was impossible that such a scenario was even possible and what's more, that it could come true! It was a real disbelief that such a thing had happened, but the facts had to be reconciled, even though it was hard. Both Judy and Nick were unsure what to make of this fact, for a fox it was hard to lock up his father or worse hurt him! Judy obviously understood Nick's dilemma, but she knew one thing to do - report it to the police. There was a phone on the desk - presumably belonging to Mark. It would just be necessary to work out how to make sure the fox didn't notice that the police were being called.

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