Chapter 42: Results

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Judy, due to fatigue and the temperature, was unable to think at night after the doctor who had been caring for her had left. It was late at night, everyone was practically asleep by now, the room was ravaged by darkness and the only sources of light were the lights coming through the glass walls of the building with the rays of lamps and other blocks coming through. The doe needed a few minutes of lying down at rest to then fall into a sleep that was interrupted several times by the fever. She woke up 4 times during the night, and when she lay with her eyes slightly open she stared at the view of the city, which was engulfed in darkness. It was an extreme contrast comparing it to the view in Zootopia. In Zootopia, everything in the evening is full of life, the city does not even sleep at night, the light of the skyscrapers made it seem from below that it was still daytime, only a little darker. In the Fox Quarter the night swallowed the whole city, single lamps illuminated the city, but it was still not enough to feel comfortable. For Judy it was even better, she was tired and every ray of light hurt her eyes. Finally, at about 3 a.m., Judy felt well enough to fall asleep and stay asleep until morning.

First thing in the morning, Judy woke up because of a noise that was disturbing her sensitive ears. Doctors had been attending to those affected by the restaurant incident since early morning, and it turns out that some reacted even worse than she did. There was no reason for her to be happy, but she recognised that she was lucky not to have been further harmed by the poisonous gas. She wanted to get back to the case as soon as possible so that she could unravel it and, most importantly, find Nick who was missing.

Although it was 8.00 a.m., due to the winter weather, the sun was just coming up on the horizon, the cold lamps had to illuminate the halls, sending out their cold rays, which still glaring at Judy's eyes, but with less effectiveness. There were more than a dozen doctors around the doe, tending to other patients, but nowhere did she see Alex, her doctor, who was about to give a decisive verdict on her condition. She hoped that the outcome would be good, if she was feeling well and certainly no longer had such a fever it couldn't be that bad right? At least that was what Judy thought as she waited impatiently for her doctor to arrive.

When finally Alex entered the room, the rabbit sat weakly on the bed straightening his back paying special attention to the folder the doctor was carrying with him. Fox knew that the doe was most likely waiting for the test results he carried under his arm.

"Good morning Mrs. Hopps. I see you are feeling better," the doctor said. He sat on the patient's bed watching the doe's eyes. Her eyes were definitely looking better, without examination he could see that her eyes were no longer as oversensitive as she had been last evening.

"How are you feeling? You definitely look better than yesterday," the doctor asked. He placed the folder beside him on the bed taking out a thermometer from his pocket. He put it to the doe's head then checked the temperature.

"37.1 is definitely better, you must have had a really good sleep" remarked the doctor.

"Yes, definitely doctor! I feel much better, my eyes don't hurt so much anymore, but let's get to the most important thing please. How are my test results? I waited quite a long time for them" Judy asked with determination in her voice.

"Some people wait a few months, believe me it wasn't a long wait" replied Alex ironically. The Doctor could see that the doe wanted to get out of hospital as soon as possible, seeing that she was a police officer (judging by her police uniform) he guessed that she was the rabbit who had been given a special pass to the Fox Quarter to investigate missing foxes. Everyone knew about it, the media are relentless with details. The doctor opened his briefcase, then took out a sheet of test results. His slight grimace on his face caused Judy to look at Alex with slight concern seeing that something was apparently wrong.

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