Chapter 51: Departure

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Chapter 51: Departure

Judy still as she lay in her bed pondered her sister's words about her relationship with Nick. On the one hand Suzanne was right to wait until the moment of departure on the platform, then she would avoid an argument between them, and they would have to talk about it themselves. In two days Judy would be leaving anyway, so she was sure she could stand not to say a word about it, even though talking to her sister had teased her and encouraged her to discuss the subject. Talking to Suzanne gave her a lot of relief, she finally felt lighter not having to suffocate the thought only in her head. She knew Suzanne wouldn't tell anyone, she could feel it. She saw a glint in her eye that told her this, gave her a guarantee of it. Her sister herself had reacted rather mildly to this news. Yes, she was shocked by what she heard, but she didn't seem angry, or what would have been worse - disappointed. That was what Judy was afraid of - letting her parents down. She knew that they were probably already proud of her anyway (after all, she had fulfilled her dreams and even more than she had assumed), but knowing their stereotypical life (especially her father), one could deduce that he would have a hard time digesting the subject of a relationship with a fox.

"First of all, I have to find Nick," Judy thought. There was still not a single trace of Nick that suggested where he might be. The police are making no progress on the case and the kidnapper is starting to play boldly with them, so how can the officers make headway? Judy knew she would have to tackle the case herself, otherwise the mystery would remain unsolved.

After quite a bit of thought, Judy checked the time on her alarm clock - it indicated 1.00 a.m. The doe turned over to the other side of the bed then fell fast asleep.

Two days later, the day had finally come - Judy could return to Zootopia so that she could begin again to solve the mystery of the mysterious kidnappings in the Foxy Quarter. Doe had been waiting for this for several days - she missed that mysterious atmosphere that made her day not boring, but contained some sort of twist all the time. It was hard for her to get used to the boring home life, where nothing was done, and if anything was done, it was just reading books or watching TV. Quite soon she realised that this was not the life for her, it was too slow, linear and just plain boring. Life as an officer was maybe much more dangerous, but it was interesting and dynamic!

Bonnie, on the occasion that their daughter would be leaving the family house once again (and she would be back at some unknown time, most probably around the holidays), had prepared some really tasty dishes for dinner to say goodbye to her Judy. She got up the earliest of all to cook first thing in the morning in time for the midday meal. Everyone got up quite early that day as everything had to be prepared in advance (crockery, table set, dress smartly etc), the doe train to Zootopia was due at 4.00 p.m. and the next train wasn't until 11.00 p.m. so it would be a good idea to arrive on time at the train platform.

Judy, on the other hand, was in no hurry to get out of her room. After waking up around 9.30 a.m., she wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a while. All the time thoughts about the conversation on the platform were running through her head, she imagined in her mind how it might look. She came up with different scenarios that could come true. Most of them were based on the fact that her parents would accuse her of making a big mistake by being in a relationship with a fox, which stressed her out even more, she saw no other way for this conversation to go. She finally broke through to get up and say hello one last time to her family during her unscheduled stay with them.

Leaving the room she walked to the stairs leading to the ground floor of the house leaning against their frame, she saw most of her siblings who had been up for a long time preparing the table for dinner. Everyone dressed, active, alive made Judy feel a little silly for being the oldest of them and getting up last and looking like she was further in bed in her mind. Everyone who noticed the doe by the stairs greeted her, to which she waved her hand at them while yawning. Maybe there was something in the fact that she looked as if she was still in her soft bed in her mind. A moment later Judy felt a touch on her left shoulder, she turned behind her to see Suzanne, who most likely like her was just getting out of bed.

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