Chapter 20: The House

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Chapter 20: The House

When Judy found her designated seat on the train, she sat down using the two seats she had free. She was lucky because no one had taken the seat next to her, so she had two seats to herself. On the free seat, Judy placed her handbag, which held various items that she often needed.

Before the train started, Judy gazed through the glass at the wintry landscape of her hometown, where she had lived for several years. It was a strange feeling. She remembered standing by herself at the same train station a dozen years ago to see off her older sister, who was also leaving this place and now she was doing it herself. It was an exhilarating feeling, showing that Judy was no longer a little girl, but a grown-up woman, although deep inside she still acted like a little ridiculous child sometimes.

With her eyes she searched the platform of her parents, where there were fewer and fewer visitors. Some were getting on the train, some were getting off it and some were standing on the platform, most probably waiting for someone. Judy only noticed her parents when she leaned back. She wanted to wave to them, but she knew they wouldn't notice. She sat back in her seat, took her phone and headphones out of her leather bag, and got ready to listen to music. A moment later, the locomotive moved.

At the same time that Judy was already driving towards Zootopia, Nick was driving his friend back to his house. The time of great and inconsistent fun had passed and everyone had to get on with their lives and work. Over this period of time they had grown strongly close, resumed a bit of contact that had died and most importantly made up for the laughs and jokes they had lost. When the fox stopped by the block of flats where Finnick lived they both said nothing. They felt punctured a little by the situation and didn't feel right that they would have to be away from each other again.

"Well...thanks for calling then...if it wasn't for that phone call I wouldn't be having such a great time" Nick said breaking the silence that reigned in the car.

"No need to thank me. In theory I should be thanking's been fun living together hasn't it?"

"Heh, that's was fun. It's a shame that time's up now..." Sighed Nick holding the steering wheel stiffly the whole time. It was helping him to ease his nerves a bit, his hands clasped tightly together causing him to relax.

"That doesn't mean we can't hang out," Finnick pointed out.

"In theory yes...but you know, I'm a police officer, I'm busy all day and You know...I'm with Judy, I have to make time for her too" replied Nick.

"Yeah, that's understandable...well to make it work for you with Judy, I want to be your witness at the wedding" laughed Finnick giving Nick a friendly squeeze.

"Yeah haha, maybe one day...see you brother" replied Nick with a laugh. After squeezing, Finnick got out of the car heading towards the entrance of the block where he disappeared a few moments later. Nick drove away from his friend's place after a few minutes, then headed towards the train station. He was looking forward to the moment when he would meet Judy and be able to cuddle her against his warm body. To be honest he missed her grey, short but warm and lush fur that gave a sense of love and security for the fox. He couldn't wait to see the crocodile eyes, filled with joy and enthusiasm, that would probably charm and passionately seduce him as always. In fact he had missed it from day one, but thanks to his friend Finnick , his Christmas had been a success and he had rather little reason to complain. The biggest disadvantage of the fact that the free period is coming to an end is that the two friends will not be able to meet each other, at least not that often. The job of a police officer requires you to be at the police station a lot of the time and both men knew that.

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