Chapter 66: Time to end it

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Chapter 66: Time to end it

As Nick and Mark drove in a direction unknown to the arresting officer, it was already getting dark. A piercing frost was blowing outside with a slight gust of wind and snow was lightly blanketing the town, which was already covered in snow. Visibility was quite limited by the resulting small blizzard and it was chilly outside. It was quite a frosty evening, not the best for a family outing, but as you can see Nick was very keen for his father to go to this place.

Mark himself didn't know, he didn't guess where his son might be driving him. Various ideas came to mind, but he wasn't brave enough to ask him where they were going. He knew that sooner or later he would find out what their destination was, so he didn't want to further upset Nick, who was very sensitive to questions as Mark had noticed. It was a trait of his. He also hated it when someone showered him with questions that could literally be answered in one sentence. He considered such enquiries a waste of time and thought, why ask a question when the answer is so simple?

Nick himself did not seem interested in conversation, preferring to sit quietly and concentrate on the road. From time to time he would glance at the mirror watching his father's low raised head, who would occasionally look at the view out of the side window of the car to see where they were going, but he did not seem to recognise in any way the area they were driving into.

"Don't you remember the area?" Nick asked at one point.

"It's hard to tell... You can hardly see anything" replied a confused Mark. The precipitation began to intensify making it harder and harder to see anything let alone anything concrete. It was shaping up to be a stormy night that would be worth sleeping in. Luckily for Nick and Judy, they got that day and night off, as well as the next few, so they could get some respite from the police. What Nick was doing now could be considered 'semi-legal', but Clawhauser knew that, which the fox was counting on, so that at least this time he wouldn't blab everything to his superior. To be honest, Nick wasn't even afraid of Bogo, but of the general staff, who, at a time when the headquarters in Zootopia wasn't getting on with the missing persons case, began to take an increasing interest in the entire police team of this command. The higher headquarters could already do damage to the fox as much as possible, even the sharpest fox would have to acknowledge their respect - they were even cleverer.

After a few more minutes of driving, Nick stopped at one house with a single light on - presumably in the kitchen. Nick looked at the house with full knowledge of where they were, while his father seemed to be starting to get his bearings slowly.

"We're there," announced Nick calmly. Mark stared through the glass at the familiar shapes and colours of the house for a few moments, then turned abruptly to Nick with surprise painted on his face pointing at the house.

"Shall I go to the house? No, no! You must be out of your mind! Do you know what state Natalia will be in when I turn up? She'll go crazy!" Mark denied emphatically, but Nick was speechless. He knew what his father had to do and he wasn't going to let it pass him by.

"You'll go to her and tell her everything you've done and apologise to her" Nick communicated. Mark parried arrogantly waving his head negatively from side to side.

"Should I tell her about this research? You're out of your mind Nick! She's going to hate me for the rest of her life!" Mark insisted.

"You two had a strained relationship anyway. Look, the issue is remarkably simple. If you go to her, I'll destroy the memory stick later today and we'll forget about it" Nick communicated seriously.

"What if you don't?" His father chuckled. The policeman pulled the device out of his pocket, which was at a premium with the police. Nick didn't even have to say anything for Mark to understand what was going on. Smiling shrewdly, he put the device back in his pocket.

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