Chapter 57: Survive

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Chapter 57: Survive

" head...where am I...what, what happened?"

Judy was slowly starting to regain consciousness after receiving the poisonous drink from her 'colleague' at work. With a headache, she stood up slowly from the ground trying to look around to see anything. She felt something cold underneath her...hard and metallic. All around her she couldn't see anything much. It was terribly dark around her, the only source of light being a small gap from the underside of the iron door, through which an unpleasant hospital light came through. It took some time for the doe to realise what had happened to her and where she was now (although she didn't know where she was), she had to remain calm and try to look around. Impulsively she reached into her pocket to take out her phone, it was gone! Just as her handy torch was gone, which she always carried in her uniform, but it was also gone!

"They must have taken everything from me...the question is what is this place? Awful little to see" thought Judy. The headache that was still present did not help her, but at least she tried to console herself with the thought that Nick had most likely wandered into the same place making her feel even more likely that Nick had managed to escape from here somehow. The question was how? And was he even here? Nevertheless, Judy needed to come up with a plan to get out of here as quickly as possible. The primary choice, of course, was to try to open the iron door, but it soon became apparent that this attempt was for naught. The doe lay down on the floor and out of the corner of her eye looked at what was on the other side of the door, everything looked terribly bright. The white light was hitting her eyes, but that didn't stop Judy from being able to see some of the hospital beds, some were knocked over and some were...soiled with red stains. Some of the lamps shone less brightly, some looked like they were damaged at all.

"What an unpleasant place. It looks a bit like it's been abandoned" Judy thought. She backed out from under the door to see if there were other ways out of the room she was in. Beside her in the rather cramped room was only a bed and above it, as it turned out a moment later, a grille from the ventilation.

"If it's not on the bolts I'll manage to get out this way" thought the doe. She approached the bed and, trying to jump out as much as possible, tried to pull the grille out, luckily for her the grille vibrated which meant it wasn't screwed on - someone must have already escaped from here.

"The grille can be removed, but it will be worse to jump onto the shaft," Judy thought. Rubbing her hands together to gain more grip, Doe jumped up to the height of the grating with a quick flick of her paws removing the grating which landed on the soft mattress of the bed. Continuing on Judy tried to jump up onto the ventilation shaft, she got a little tired in the process but managed to grab onto the edge of the ventilation with her paws on the 3rd time. Her strong legs braced against the wall and she slowly managed to climb into the ventilation. She needed a bit of a break. She lay down on the ventilation and listened in. It was suspiciously quiet, no one could be heard, only occasionally the doe would hear something like laughter...only it was a bit uncontrollable. It was creating a feeling of dread in Judy, who had to move forward if she wanted to unravel this case and find Nick. Unfortunately she didn't have anything on her to be able to take notes on what she was seeing, but that wasn't what was most important to her.

Moments later Judy slowly began to crawl forward towards the corridor. She didn't know where she was going to be honestly, but she couldn't stop in this cell. Most likely the doe wants to find Nick, she was sure he was here somewhere. As she made her way through the cramped ventilation, a feeling of uncertainty and in a kind of fear that she might fall abruptly in the most uncomfortable place - she knew no one could see her. There was a reason she was locked in here right?

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