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Sana is now at the school's cafeteria finding her friends. She transferred here in Korea because her of friends, Mina is a model here in Seoul. She just don't want to be alone in Japan. She only has two friends, which is Mina and Momo. She want to be with them. Her mom and dad didn't agree at first but because they trusted Mina and Momo they agreed.

While walking she saw a random people gossiping and giggling while looking at her direction. She don't want to assume so she just don't mind it and kept on walking.

As she was about to buy something on the counter, she suddenly bumped on someone which made her lost her balance.

She closed her eyes and was about to fall when an arms suddenly wraps around her waist.

She opened her eyes when she heard the people around them whispering and looking at her like they were going to kill her. She look up and saw a tall girl staring at her. Her arms was still on her waist. She admit it the girl was beautiful.

She started to feel uncomfortable when some of the girls around them gaving her a death glare.

"You should be careful miss...?."the tall girl said waiting for her answer

"Sa..."Sana wasn't able to finish her sentence when the bell suddenly rangs
"See you around!."Sana said and walk away not minding the people around her staring at her, she didn't do anything but she's looking at her like that

She walked to her class that was just upstairs. She didn't saw Mina and Momo, which made her sad. They said they will meet her here somewhere in the school but where are they?

As she arrived her room, she took a deep breath at first. It was her first day after all. She went inside as all the stares are all at her again and with that she suddenly felt nervous.

She don't know what's wrong with them, did she have something on her face or what for them to stare at her at always.

She sat at the end of the corner as she doesn't know anybody.

A few minutes later while waiting, the students started to giggled and all of the boys stared at the door where a tall girl that she just met earlier entered inside. She wonders if this girl is popular here in the campus that's why all of the girls and boys acted like that.

They made an eye contact but then Sana averted her gaze. The other students started to whispered something and she felt like she was their topic.

Suddenly, she felt someone sat next to her side. She look up and saw the tall girl. She is smiling showing her cute dimples.

"Hi! You're the one at the cafeteria right?."the tall girl asked as Sana nodded her head
"Chou Tzuyu by the way, you???."Tzuyu asked while smiling

"Sana, Minatozaki Sana."Sana said with a smile forming on her face

"Oh nice name but I think Chou Sana is better."Tzuyu said as Sana looks down with a red tint forming on her face

Gladly, the professor already came because Tzuyu is just staring at her, it made her feel uneasy.

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