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"For your thesis you need to work with your partner. You can't easily talk with your topic without your cooperation unless you are the only one who did it. I also make it with partners to make your job easy."their Proffesor said which made Sana frowned, she don't want to work with Tzuyu after all
"Tomorrow will be the last submission. If you don't want to submit then I wont force you anymore, it's up to you, you're now a college student not a highschool student just a reminder."He said

Soon their Proffesor started to teach a new lessons. Everyone payed attention and after a few minutes they will all dismissed.

Minutes have passed their class are already finished. All of the students started to leave. Tzuyu purposely waited for Sana, she pretended to fix her things just to keep up with Sana.

Sana started to stood up and walk outside. While Tzuyu is following Sana without her knowing it. Sana has any no idea until some of the girls started giggling which she got caught.

It's obvious that the students here are shipping them and it makes Tzuyu happy.

"What are you doing?."Sana asked with a raised eyebrow

"Uhhh why?."Tzuyu asked back as Sana rolled her eyes and continue to walk, but as stubborn as Tzuyu was she just followed Sana

"Could you please stop following me?."Sana stop from walking and face Tzuyu

"We have something to do though, you're always keeping a distance at me. Are you really like that with your future wife?."Tzuyu said with a pout as Sana walked again not answering Tzuyu

The people around them started squealing by the scene that they watched. Their eyes are in pleasure by seeing the two being like that.

"If I were Sana I will definitely grabbed the opportunity. I mean Tzuyu is so hot, beautiful, sexy, popular and kind."the girl said which Sana heard

"I know right!! Sana is lucky to be liked by the one and only Chou Tzuyu."the other girl said

"But we can't decide what she want though, we are all have a different taste."another girl said

"Well, she's the only one who rejected Tzuyu."

"But Tzuyu didn't court someone though."

Sana just leave and let them talk about her and Tzuyu. It's disgust her she don't know why. Everytime Tzuyu is around she feels like that. Maybe because Tzuyu is always annoying her?

Her thoughts was interrupted by someone.

"Sana chan."Mina called her attention

"You're the topic here in the campus huh."Momo said with a teasing grin

"Well I don't care."Sana said in a cold tone

"You really don't like Tzuyu, do you?."Mina asked

"Definitely."Sana answered which Mina smiles

"Well that's great."Mina said showing a gummy smile

"I knew it! You liked Tzuyu."Momo said bumping her shoulders with her

"It's just a crush, Momo chan."Mina said hiding her face with her hands

"Well who will not like her, right?."Momo said giggling

"Sana."Mina said as Sana look at her with a questioning look

"What?."Sana asked crossing her arms

"I mean you're the only one who doesn't like Tzuyu, I mean she's kind and talented."Mina said as Momo nodded her head agreeing to her

"I like Tzuyu too, but not in a romantic way. She's nice though."Momo said

"Whatever, we will do our fucking thesis now."Sana said leaving the two

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