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"Sometimes there are people who really come into our lives that we didn’t expect, when you get used to her being there, then they will suddenly disappear."Mina said as Sana's tears fall down across her face
"So you have to accept it, to love is to let go."Mina said

That was the last time that Mina have told her. She's not yet ready to let go of Tzuyu.

She was no longer aware of her tears dripping as she looked at the person she love who was now sleeping in bed.

A few moments later Tzuyu slowly opens her eyes and her eyes immediately met Sana.

"Sana..."Tzuyu spoken up with her weak and tired voice
"I-I'm so tired, Sana. I c-can't take this anymore."Tzuyu said, her eyes are going to close at any moment, her body is so pale, she was getting weaker and weaker, Sana held her hands and kissed Tzuyu's forehead. She smiled even though she is hurting inside, she is hurting to saw Tzuyu like that

"Tzuyu, please. Don't leave me. I can't even show how much I love you. I regret not saying I love you to you every single day."Sana said

"I-I'm sorry, Sana. I'm sorry because I'm leaving you. And please don't blame yourself. T-Those days are enough that I loved you, at least even when I'm gone, I've done the things I want. And that is to make you feel how important you are."Tzuyu paused as she cupped the latter's face

"Can you do me a favor?."Sana nodded
"Please move on. I want you to be happy even when I'm gone. That's my only wish before I leave. Sana, promise me."Tzuyu continued

Move on. Six letters, two words, easy to say, harder to explain, harder to do.

"Love again. I know someone is coming for you."Tzuyu said but Sana shook her head

"I won't. I can't love again. No one can replace you."

"Sana please listen to me. I don't want you to be alone. I want you to always be happy. Open your heart again. Do that for me."Tzuyu paused as she look into Sana's eyes
"I love you, but I think it's time for us to say goodbye. I don't want you to be hurt more. I'm sorry if I will leave you this way."she said

"I can't. It's hard, Tzuyu. It hurts."

"Even if we are not for each other for now, maybe next time we might be. Sana, I love you so much remember that. The next time we meet I will make sure I will never leave you again. Sana, I have to say goodbye. Sorry if I have to leave you."

"I'm sorry if I didn't give you the chance to let you know how much I love you in those days. Thank you for loving me. I love you, Tzuyu. Until our path cross again."Sana paused as she wipe her tears off
"You can now take a rest."Sana said and Tzuyu smiled

"I love you Sana, I love you so much."Tzuyu said as she slowly closed her eyes

"I love you, Goodnight."Sana said as her hands started to fall, Sana's tears fall down, Tzuyu is not breathing anymore, it made her heart ache

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now