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Tzuyu was finding Sana until she reach the parking lot area. She was looking around every corner of the parking lot.

A few moments of walking she heard someone is crying so she immediately went her way where the sound is. And there she found Sana hugging her knees and she was crying.

She then tapped Sana's back and when Sana look up she saw the latter's face being puffy as she was crying so hard.

"Sana why are you crying?."Tzuyu asked worriedly as she bent down to match Sana's height. She want to know if the reason of it was because of the scene earlier. But after all she don't want to assume that, that was really the reason

Instead of answering the latter, Sana just cried harder. Tzuyu then don't know what to do but to gave Sana a tight embrace. That makes comfort Sana as she was now sobbing.

"Tell me why are you crying, Sana."Tzuyu then pulled out looking straightly into Sana's eyes with full of tears

"I also don't know... This fucking feelings is hunting me everyday."Sana said her gaze landed on Tzuyu's lips

After that Sana didn't realize that she was now already kissing Tzuyu's lips. The latter immediately kissed her back unlike the scene earlier. Sana's hands automatically landed over Tzuyu's shoulder to deepen the kiss while Tzuyu's hands was on her waist.

The kiss was going intense as their mouth started to work out. Sana kept on pushing Tzuyu's head closer which is impossible since they are too close to each other.

They then pulled out when they are already losing their breaths. Sana bit her lip still looking at Tzuyu's lips. She then look up into Tzuyu's eyes and also found the latter looking at her lips.

With that she attacked Tzuyu's lips again. She don't know why she's doing  this. She don't know why she is wanting to kiss Tzuyu when she is already in a relationship with her friend, Mark.

The kiss turn out into something more when Sana started to bite Tzuyu's lips. Her tounge explored inside the taller's mouth. But that didn't last when Tzuyu started the move. The latter's lips was indeed addictive. She wanted it to last long but she can't since she is now losing her breath.


"What happen to you and Sana?."Jeongyeon asked the moment she noticed the two. Tzuyu was going to answer but then Sana spoke up first

"We fought."Sana said without looking at anyone's eyes

"You two. Fix it."Jihyo said while shooking her head

"Tzuyu?."Mina suddenly came with Momo. The other one just took her seat beside Sana

Tzuyu look up and met Mina's stares. At the other side Sana was looking at them.

"Can we talk?."Mina said as Tzuyu nodded her head
"In private."Mina continued

Mina brought Tzuyu into a private place. The smaller just rest her body to the wall and waited for Tzuyu to stand besides her.

"How are you and Sana? Did something happen?."Mina asked

"Is that the reason why you want to talk to me privately?."Tzuyu asked but Mina just stare at her so she just answered right away
"We're fine. Sana can't just look directly into my eyes after what happen that time."Tzuyu said

"Someone said you even took Sana and Mark together."Mina paused and took a deep breathe
"If you're always like that all the time, Tzuyu she is going to think that everything is alright when it's the complete opposite."Mina said and leave her dumbfounded

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