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"Can we decide who is going to be our partner prof?."a student said but their prof shook his head

"To make this easy, your seatmate will be your partner."their Proffesor said as all of the students made a dissapointment sound, many of them haven't known their seatmate well
"Dismissed."he said, grabbing all of things and walked out

"Mr. Oh is such a kill joy!."one of the student exclaimed

"Yeah, I don't like my seatmeat, she looks like a trash."the girl said while rolling her eyes

Sana is just listening to the other students complain until Tzuyu tapped her shoulder.

"Do you already pick our main topic?."Tzuyu asked but Sana shook her head
"I already have one, should we talk about it now?."Tzuyu asked

"Give me the topic, I'm busy this days so we will do it individually."Sana said which made Tzuyu pout in an instant, she really wants to work with Sana

"Okay."that was all she can she say

"State the topic and I'm going to work to the supporting idea."Sana said as she stood up
"Give it to me right away when you already done working on it."Sana said as she started to walk out leaving Tzuyu from behind, but before she leave she heard someone approached Tzuyu

"Hi! You're Tzuyu right? Can we be friends?."a girl's voice said

Sana didn't want to heard it anymore so she immediately went outside. She stopped near the bench were only a few people are there.

She still have a break for 2 hours. Momo and Mina will be there later after 1 hour. Their free time are different.

While feeling herself alone in the peaceful place in the campus, someone suddenly tapped her shoulders. The smell of her perfume or what's she's using have taken her. She already knew who it was.

"I thought you're busy?."Tzuyu ask as she sat right next to her

"Uhm.... I.. I'm waiting for someone."Sana lied

"Okay, you're so cute."Tzuyu suddenly said out of nowhere, which made Sana blushed
"Are you okay?."Tzuyu leaned in and place her palm over her forehead
"You're not heating up, but why are you so red though."Tzuyu said with a questioning look

"I'm okay."Sana said, good thing she didn't stutter, Tzuyu chuckled as Sana look at her with a 'are you crazy look'
"Why are you laughing?."Sana asked raising an eyebrow

"You look so tense whenever I'm talking to you."Tzuyu said as Sana averted her gaze and stare at somewhere but not at Tzuyu

"I'm not, it's just that.. I.. I'm not that comfortable when I'm with someone that I didn't know well."Sana reasoned out, which is true

"Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable."Tzuyu said as she stood up from her seat
"I should start going now, I still have to do our thesis."Tzuyu bid a goodbye leaving Sana alone at the bench

"You're really hard to get Sana, but don't worry I will never give up."Tzuyu mumbled with a sly smirk before going to the library

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