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Tzuyu and Sana are going somewhere as Sana promised to. The latter want some alone time with Sana for a meantime. It was already midnight but Tzuyu can't sleep and invited Sana to went somewhere. Sana wants to go to the mall since ealier but Jeongyeon didn't let them and Tzuyu understand it she just wanted to protect her.

The two are walking to find an open mall but found nothing since it's already midnight. Meanwhile Sana saw Tzuyu using her phone while walking and it made her frown.

"Why are you using your phone whem here I am still trying to find an open mall."Sana then put her arms through her waist

"Oh I'm sorry but I know where to go now."Tzuyu said taking Sana's hand with her. Sana just stare at their intertwined hand and let Tzuyu take the lead

Soon they arrived at the mall that they have already went earlier. Sana frowned as Tzuyu still pulled her inside. It made her shock as all the lights are turn on the moment they went inside.

A minutes later someone then went towards them. It was a lady with her suit on. Sana assumed it was the manager or the owner of the mall.

"Ms. Chou, the mall is open as you requested."the lady said with a smile

"Thank you."Tzuyu returned her a smile

"Please enjoy, Ms. Chou."the lady said as she leave

"Wait. I don't understand? Why would.."Sana was cutted off by Tzuyu

"I open up this mall for you."Tzuyu said leaving Sana dumbfounded
"That's why I'm using my phone while we're walking."Tzuyu smiled

"You don't have to do that."Sana said but Tzuyu shook her head

"You're too late. I already did."Tzuyu said as she pulled Sana to the store
"Minari have told me that you like plushies so take all the plushies you want. I'll buy it for you."Tzuyu said as Sana look down with a slight blush

"A..are you sure? You don't need to spend your money to me."Sana asked shyly

"Money is nothing to me. I just wanted to make you happy."Tzuyu said which Sana blush real hard, Tzuyu chuckled

"Why are you laughing?."Sana asked but Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders

"Nothing. Come on you can choose all you want here."Tzuyu said and stops from laughing

They spend their night by sightseeing and buying something inside the mall. Sana really enjoyed Tzuyu's company all the way up. Mark didn't do anything like this before, but Tzuyu did. They also play into the arcade feeling like a kid again. It was very chidish of her but she enjoyed it, really.

While walking Sana whispered something that Tzuyu didn't cleary heard it.

"You're saying something, Sana?."Tzuyu asked

"N.. Nothing."Sana scratched her nape as Tzuyu look at her confusly
"Are you sleepy? I think we better go now. We almost spend an hours here for sure your sister and your twin might looking for you already."Sana said

"O.. Okay. Let's go?."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now