11 - BOOK

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Tzuyu is still not around and there is also no gifts from her locker.

She don't know why she's feeling something weird for today. She also felt this yesterday.

Is it because of Tzuyu? Or it's just she felt guilty after all the rude things she did to Tzuyu. But after what she did the latter still tried to help her.

Her thoughts was interrupted when someone suddenly went infront of her seat.

"Sana ya? You look so gloomy for today."Momo said but Sana shook her head

"This is nothing."Sana said averting her gaze

"You're being like that since yesterday, is it because Tzuyu is not around?."Momo asked wearing a smirk across her face

"Of course not!."Sana denied with her eyebrows meeting at the middle

"Really?."Momo asked crossing her arms

"Yes!! It is not because of her, okay!!."Sana half shouted as the other students look at her direction, but she don't care, her friend is pissing her off this early in the morning

"Why are you mad then??? I'm just asking you though."Momo said with a pout as Sana just rolled her eyes

"Can you please go back to your own seat?."Sana said pointing at her seat from afar, but the latter shook her head as stubborn as she was, Sana then pulled her own hair in frustration

"Why are you being like that everytime I ask Tzuyu?."Momo asked which made Sana pissed more so Momo just run towards her seat while laughing out loud, Chaeyoung her seatmate smack her shoulders

"Why is her face like that?."Chaeyoung asked Momo

"I'm just asking if Tzuyu was the reason why she look so gloomy."Momo answered

"Well Tzuyu is always annoying her,  but you can see that she really like Tzuyu around her, she's just denying it."Chaeyoung said while shooking her head

"I don't know if she is just avoiding herself to fall inlove?."Momo said more like questioning

"Why? Is it because Tzuyu is a girl?."Chaeyoung asked as Momo just shrugged her shoulders, either herself she didn't know what's the real answer


At the canteen, Sana was just walking around the counter until someone approach her.

"Hi!! You're Sana right?."a tall girl suddenly asked, the girl has an inch taller than her

"Uhh, yeah why?."Sana said, nodding her head

"I'm just gonna to give you this."she said handling her a book, she smiled as she received it, she really loves to read a books

"Who gave this by the way?."Sana asked but the girl just shrugged her shoulders

"I'm Jeongyeon by the way."Jeongyeon said reaching her hands for her to shake, Sana took it and they shook their hands

"It's nice meeting you Jeongyeon.. It's sad you don't know the name of the person who gave this to me, I just wanted to say thank-you to her/him."Sana said

"Maybe he/she is your secret admirer?. "Jeongyeon pause and take a look at her wrist watch
"Oh I still have my class so see you around!."Jeongyeon said bidding a goodbye to her

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