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"How are you and Mark?."Tzuyu asked the moment she saw Sana

"He's always asking me out, he's so sweet you know."Sana said with full of smile, Tzuyu just nodded with a force smile

"You really like him, do you?."Tzuyu suddenly ask which made Sana's eyes widened

"I..."Tzuyu cutted her off

"You don't need to hide it from me, Sana. I'm your best friend, right?."Tzuyu said

"I do, I do like him."Sana finally said

"If that's the case then I'll try to help you with him. He's my best bud so I can really help you out."Tzuyu said while tapping Sana's back

"Thank you, Tzu. You're really the best."Sana said showing her a widest smile


In Tzuyu's house

"What's wrong with my little sister?."Jeongyeon asked worriedly as she noticed Tzuyu's actions. The latter was acting weird since she went home

"This is nothing unnie."Tzuyu said without looking at the latter

"I know you, Tzuyu. You can't lie to me, I know your actions when you're being down. Tell your unnie so that I can help you with it."Jeongyeon said and with that Tzuyu finally look at her into her eyes

"Sana likes Mark."Tzuyu said which Jeongyeon got shocked

"I knew it! Sana likes Mark, it's obvious with her stares though."Nayeon suddenly came with a foods on her hands
"Sorry to interrupt you but I just wanted to visit Tzuyu as Jihyo said she's not feeling well."Nayeon said making her way towards the two

"Her love for Sana is so complicated."Jeongyeon said

"But she didn't confess yet, right?."Nayeon asked as Jeongyeon nodded her head

"I can't confess to her knowing she liked someone else."Tzuyu said with a sad expression

"Yet you're doing things that is against your will."Nayeon said while crossing her arms, her girlfriend just look at her questionly

"What do you mean?."Jeongyeon asked confusly

"You're sister is helping Sana with Mark. Chaeyoung have told me."Nayeon said as Jeongyeon take a glance at Tzuyu and it seems like it's true since her sister is not complaining

"Why are you doing this things, Tzu? You know that it can just hurt you yet you're still doing it."Jeongyeon said

"I don't know but that's only the things I can do for her."Tzuyu said looking down

"You're doing this for her, yes but can you think about yourself too? You're hurting with what you're doing, Tzuyu. It's not being selfish, but it is also for you. Stop hurting yourself, Tzuyu."Nayeon said

"Sometimes you gotta risk what you love. All I want for her is to be happy so even if it hurts me I will still do the things that will make her happy."Tzuyu said as she stood up
"I'm going to rest, excuse me."Tzuyu said leaving the two dumbfounded

"Should we stop her?."Jeongyeon asked not knowing what to do

"If that's what she wants then we can't do anything. You know your sister she's not listening. She will do whatever she wants. Let's just grant her wishes. Let her be happy. Her life was too short."Nayeon said taking a glance upstairs where Tzuyu was

"The things we do for love."Jeongyeon mumbled

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now