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Sana and Tzuyu is walking around somewhere. Their free time is still ongoing so they will spend it outside together. It's kinda boring if they will just stay at school's cafeteria doing nothing.

Tzuyu found an old man struggling to put his things inside the box so she pulled Sana towards the old man. Sana don't have any idea what's up to her but just let her anyway.

Tzuyu then remove her hands from her and helped the old man without saying any word. The old man look up and smile at her.

Sana saw how Tzuyu help the old man and that made her smile secretly. The students are right she really has a good heart that's why many of the students there are admiring her.

As when she is done helping the old man she bowed and gave him a smile.

"Thank you, kid."The old man said while patting Tzuyu's back, his gaze then went to Sana and whispered something to Tzuyu that the latter didn't even heard

"Yes, sir."Tzuyu said and held Sana's hand, they take a last look at the old man and he's now leaving his place

"What did he said to you?."Sana asked

"Just something you didn't need to know."Tzuyu answered which made Sana pout, the Taiwanese girl stare at her pouty kissable lips but quickly averted her gaze

"You're so mean."Sana whined like a kid

"He just said that.. We are fit for each other."Tzuyu said with a teasing grin as Sana blushed
"Look who's blushing."Tzuyu mumbled and that made the latter blushes more

"Let's just stroll around."Sana said and didn't wait for Tzuyu

The Taiwanese girl just shook her head and followed Sana behind.

This is the happiest day of her life now that her crush is now her friend.

"Sana..."Tzuyu called her as Sana stops from walking to face her

"Yes?."Sana said raising one of her brow

"C.. Can I accompany you later when you're going home? I have the same village as you."Tzuyu shyly said while scratching her nape

"You really know my house huh?."Sana said and added a smirk as Tzuyu widened her eyes

"But.. That was just accidentally. I accidentally saw you walking around and I stalk you."Tzuyu reason out with a nervous laugh

"You're a bit creepy you know."Sana said

"But If I didn't stalk you that time then something bad for sure will happen to you."Tzuyu said as Sana raised an eyebrow

"You really stalk me there? I thought you're just kidding."Sana said but Tzuyu shook her head

"It's true and that white car it's my car."Tzuyu said as Sana was surprised

"You're ready huh."Sana said

"When I saw that guy is following you, I quickly call for help. I just wanted you to be safe."Tzuyu said which fluttered Sana's heart, even though she's been rude to her this past few days she still managed to do that

"Thank you."Sana smiled which Tzuyu returned back

"That's no problem, let's go shall we?."Tzuyu said as Sana cling her arms to hers, that made Tzuyu's heart skip a beat

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