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"Are you sure you want to leave?."Jeongyeon ask her little sister

"Yes. I'll just take a break and I'll be back, I guess."Tzuyu said while fixing her stuffs

"But you're still not sure. I don't want to be away from you, Tzuyu. Call me childish but I just don't want you away from me."Jeongyeon pouted. Sometimes Jeongyeon is always teasing her but still she is really a good sister

"I don't want to promise.."Tzuyu was cutted off by her sister

"Don't say anything like that. I already told you. Just be back and I'll be great."Jeongyeon said as she suddenly hugged the younger. It startled the taller one but she just hug her sister back

"Stop overreacting unnie. You know what I'll do in Taiwan."Tzuyu said caressing her sister back

"I'm so worried, Tzu. I want to be with you but this fucking school works don't want to."Jeongyeon whined like a kid which made Tzuyu chuckled

"If you just do it on time and don't flirt with Nayeon unnie you can accompany me there and also have your break. It's your fault after all."Tzuyu said and that made the older one to crease her eyebrows

"It's not my fault!."Jeongyeon said crossing her arms

"It is. How about Nayeon unnie who still managed to finish her works while you..."Tzuyu shook her head

"And for that why did you decided to stay in Taiwan for months? Is it because of that thing or because of Sana?."Jeongyeon asked as Tzuyu look away

"Both. Before I could spend my time by just talking to you... I will go now."Tzuyu said taking two things with her, phone and bag. She have her clothes and other stuffs in Taiwan by the way

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you at the airport?."Jeongyeon asked the moment Tzuyu was about to hop inside the car

"Mark is here."pointing at Mark who is at the drivers seat
"And you will just cry and I won't be able to leave this place."Tzuyu teased

"Meanie.."Tzuyu chuckled
"Okay bye! Take care there. Unnie loves you!."Jeongyeon said biding a goodbye

At the airport

Mark and Tzuyu are walking through the airport.

The atmosphere was quite until Tzuyu broke it.

"For now I wanted to stay away from her. I need some space this time. Can you take care of Sana for me, bud?."Tzuyu asked

"Of course, bud. I already told you, you don't have to tell me that.. she is my girlfriend after all."Mark said but realized Tzuyu's change of expression
"I'm sorry to say that thing, I... "Tzuyu cutted him off

"No it's okay, bud. You don't have to say sorry it's true though."Tzuyu said with a smile

"Don't worry, man. Someday you will find the right girl or guy for you. You're the type of girl that anyone will wish for."Mark tapped her shoulder

"I don't think I can still find the right one for me with my condition."Tzuyu mumbled which Mark doesn't clearly heard it

"You're saying something, bud?."Mark asked

"I said.. you're still the one I know for years. Such a joker."Tzuyu shook her head

"That's far from what you said earlier though..  But that's the truth. Wether you like it or not take it.."Mark said with a smile

"Well whatever, I gotta go now. Farewell to you my friend."Tzuyu said which the latter pouted

"When you last said that, you didn't showed up to me for years. Stop it."Mark said

"Fine. So Goodbye, I guess."Tzuyu said and with that she walk away leaving her friend with a teary eyes. He's been trying to avoid from crying

"Such a crybaby."Tzuyu mumbled while shooking her head

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now