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At the practice room Mina, Momo and  Tzuyu are dancing. They need to practice as they will be having a dance contest outside the school soon.

While the three are practicing Sana is just at the corner texting someone in her phone. Well, it's not new to her friends. She's always been like that these days.

"Unnie... I have something to do. Can I go outside for a while?."Tzuyu asked as she take her towel

"Yes, just be fast. Jung is gonna be here later."Momo said earning a slight slap from Mina

"Jung, huh."Mina smirked and that is because Momo called their dance instructor by only her surname, it's a bit disrespectful for them

After Tzuyu dissapered Momo take her stuffs in a speed way too. She didn't even cared what Mina have said as she was rushing as if she's going somewhere.

As when Momo was about to go, Mina quickly pulled her by her arms.

"Where do you think you're going?."Mina asked removing her grip from the latter

"I need to do something important. This is gonna take a few minutes!."Momo exclaimed in a fast manner as she was rushing

Mina just let her do her business after that. She's acting weird since ealier.

Momo was just walking around like she was following something.

Well that's right, she's following Tzuyu who just got out of the classroom. She was holding something with her hands and it seems like she was hiding it. She was looking left and right if there was someone watching her.

And with that Tzuyu didn't find Momo. Her mission is successful.

She was just following her until the taller got into the lockers hall. The real reason why she's here is because she want to know if Tzuyu was really the secret admirer of Sana. She's been doubting the latter since they met Jeongyeon.

Tzuyu stops right infront of Sana's locker. But before she open it she make sure that no one else was there but her. Again, Tzuyu didn't find Momo.

Momo almost jumped out of excitement when Tzuyu put that thing inside Sana's locker.

Her instinct was right. Tzuyu was really Sana's secret admirer.

After that Momo quickly came back to the practice room.

"Hey! Why are you smiling? You look like an idiot you know."Mina said the moment she saw Momo entering the room

"Nothing."Momo simply answer which Mina didn't buy

"I don't believe you, spill the tea. Come on!."Mina exclaim

"Find it on your own."Momo grined which Mina growned in frustration

"If I'll find it what's my reward then?."Mina asked

"Reward? Seriously?."Momo frowned

"Let's have a deal."Mina handed out her hands

"Sure!."Momo said taking the latter's hand

"If I find it on my own then you will buy our foods and stuffs to our house for 1 week."Mina smirked

"Wh.. What?!."Momo exclaimed which the whole room heard

"Now what?."Mina fold her arms

"That's when if you find it."Momo said as confident as she was

"What's the matter you two?."Sana asked and she is not holding her phone anymore

"Nothing!."the two said in unison and Sana just shrugged her shoulders

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