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After coming from school Tzuyu went to home with her sister, Jeongyeon. It's already night and they don't have anything to do but to eat.

Tomorrow they will be having a weeks or months off for some school issues and they'll just spend it at home or outside to hang out with their own friends. But now Tzuyu and Jeongyeon decided to have some sister bonding since they didn't do that for years.

While the two sisters are eating pizza. Jeongyeon's phone suddenly rangs. She check if who is it and there was no name it's just a number but she know who it was.

"Oh! I'm just going to answer this, Tzu. I'll be back, okay?."Jeongyeon said which Tzuyu gladly nodded her head with a smile

As when Jeongyeon went to her room she immediately answer her phone.


What makes you call in this late night Ms. Eating monster?


Sorry but I don't have time with your jokes. Is Sana there in your house?

Jeongyeon then creased her eyebrows in confusion but ask her anyway


How can she went here in this late night?


Oh come on Nayeon unnie's girlfriend! I'm asking you so please answer it


She's not here, why did you ask though?


She's been fucking missing for almost an hour!

Jeongyeon's eyes widen the moment she heard it


Where the fuck could she be?!


I don't know!! That's why I'm asking you

What now? Is she there?

Mina's voice can be heard from the other line


Can I go and help you guys?


It's raining you....

"Help who?."Tzuyu suddenly came with a water on her hands

And the moment Jeongyeon heard her sister's voice she immediately end the call and texted Momo instead.

Jeongyeon: Talk to you later, I'm going to help you to find Sana after I take care of my sister

A little longer Momo replied back.

Momo: What is she? A baby? To take care of? Why don't you want her to know that Sana is missing? Maybe Tzuyu can help with this

Momo: Sorry this is Mina just don't mind this girl and if you don't want Tzuyu to enter this issue it's fine. I'm sorry Jeongyeon ssi

Jeongyeon: It's ok I—


Jeongyeon accidentally click the sent button when Tzuyu snatch her phone. She tried to take it away from her but the latter just stand over the sink which she couldn't reach. Plus she don't want to chase after her, she might do something bad. She's just protecting Tzuyu after all.

"Wait what?! Sana is missing and you don't want me to be involved with this. Why?."Tzuyu asked moving down

"Because you will surely come and find her."Jeongyeon said

"Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do."Tzuyu said handing her back the phone

As when Tzuyu was about to go Jeongyeon held her hand hardly not trying to let her go.

"But Tzu!! It's fucking dangerous outside! It's raining!."Jeongyeon said still gripping her hands from Tzuyu

"Unnie, it hurts!."Tzuyu tried to remove her sister's grip from her

"I'm not letting you go, Chou Tzuyu!."Jeongyeon exclaimed

"I'm sorry, unnie. I need to."Tzuyu said and finally remove Jeongyeon's grip from her arms

But still her sister chase after her. She will not let her sister do that in this kind of weather.

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now