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Jeongyeon quickly call Nayeon for just a seconds telling her that Tzuyu went outside in this rainy weather. She immediately went upstairs just to get Tzuyu's medic kit just in case. After that she hurriedly run to chase Tzuyu outside.

Tzuyu can't just go outside for some reason.

While running Jeongyeon saw her girlfriend, Nayeon running with an umbrella with her hands. She's wearing a raincoat and you can see in her eyes that she is worried.

"What now? Did you chase her? Where is she?."Nayeon suddenly ask her a bunch of questions

"I don't fucking know! I take this important things. I'm so worried with her Nayeon ah."Jeongyeon said as her tears started to fall down from her cheeks same as the rain pouring through her skin

"Jagii.. Don't worry we will find her okay? Don't act like this. Tzuyu will be alright."Nayeon said giving her a tight embrace

"Let's seperate our way and find her."Jeongyeon said as Nayeon handed her a raincoat

"Just in case you find her."Nayeon then seperate her way to her girlfriend

"Chou Tzuyu what are you fucking doing. You're making me paranoid here. I don't want that scene happen again, Tzuyu. I promise eomma and appa about that."Jeongyeon mumbled as she started to find Tzuyu somewhere


Tzuyu was finding Sana everywhere. She badly wants to find Sana she don't want anything bad happen to her.

"Sorry Jeongyeon unnie, but I have to do this."Tzuyu mumbled

Street by street Tzuyu didn't find Sana. She is getting soaking wet in the rain but she don't mind it, it's Sana who matters after all.

Suddenly, she remembered Mark and Sana's last meeting place.

And with that she immediately went to that place.

A few minutes of going to the right place there she saw Sana sitting while hugging her own knees because of the coldness.

She immediately went her way towards the latter.

"Sana..."Tzuyu called which Sana look up

"Tzuyu? Why are you here?."Sana asked

"I'm the one who will gonna ask you that.. Why are you here?."Tzuyu said as Sana look down

"Mark.. Mark leave me."Sana cried

"He will never leave you. I don't know what's the reason why he leave but I assure you that he leave for a reason. I know Mark since then whenever he has something to do even if it's good or bad he will tell it to me. And if not for sure he's grounded by her father."Tzuyu said and that made Sana started to stop from crying

"Why are you doing this, Tzuyu? Why? Tell it to me."Sana said out of nowhere as Tzuyu look away before she answers

"I love you, Sana. I really love you. I love you more than anything and I know you have feelings with my friend, I will gladly accept it because I know you'll be happy. Your happiness is also my happiness."Tzuyu said which made Sana widened her eyes

"You love me?."Sana asked, can't believe for what she just heard

"Don't worry because I won't assume. If he is really person that can make you happy then I will support you, I will support you no matter what. All I care is your happiness."Tzuyu said, she's smiling but her eyes show something different
"Just be happy with him, I'm here if ever he hurts you, my arms are ready to hug you."Tzuyu said

"I'm sorry Tzuyu, I'm so sorry."Sana said trying not to cry

"It's okay Sana. I didn't say 'I love you' to receive 'I love you too'. I am saying that 'I love you' because I do."Tzuyu said looking intently into Sana's eyes

"Tzuyu?! Sana?!."someone familiar suddenly called them

But before Tzuyu could turn her back she suddenly collapsed.

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now