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It's been 2 weeks since Tzuyu didn't showed up to Sana. She don't know but it bothers her every night. Sometimes the Taiwanese girl will came into her mind. And that made her sleepless.

She don't know but maybe because Tzuyu left without any word from her. Maybe the latter is mad with her because she didn't treat her well that past days. It's been stuck in her mind everytime.

Sometimes she's seeing something that can remind her of Tzuyu. It made her sick.

There was a time when it's raining that she didn't intend to go to the place where she last met Tzuyu. And that time replayed into her mind. Tzuyu's face, voice, and the way she collapsed.

"It's okay Sana. I didn't say 'I love you' to receive 'I love you too'. I am saying that 'I love you' because I do."Tzuyu said looking intently into Sana's eyes

"Tzuyu?! Sana?!."someone familiar suddenly called them

Sana take a look who is it and didn't realize Tzuyu's actions. Tzuyu take a hold with her chest as if she was losing her breathe.

But before Tzuyu could turn her back she suddenly collapsed.

After Sana saw that coming she froze from her place. Tears started to fall from her cheeks. Her body started to tremble seeing Tzuyu's unconscious body on the ground.

She don't know what to do until Jeongyeon run towards their direction.

The next thing she knows was Nayeon is already dragging her with her car while Jeongyeon carried Tzuyu and seperated their ways. She badly wants to go with Tzuyu but her body feels weak that she can't even walk properly as if her body was being spelled by somewhat she don't know.

That time she cried her eyes out all night. She can't sleep properly thinking what just happened to Tzuyu. She was worried as hell. She was blaming herself. If anything bad will happen to Tzuyu she will really not forgive herself.

She badly want to go outside and visit Tzuyu just for once but Jeongyeon and her friends didn't want to until she heard the news that the taller girl already flew in Taiwan.

Her thoughts was interrupted when someone called her name.

"Sana ya! You're late."Nayeon shouted

"Wait what? Where is Mina and Momo?."Sana asked

"They want to wait for you but they will be late too if they did that so they leave you."Nayeon answered

"Fuck this life."Sana cursed

"What's the reason why you're late?."Nayeon asked crossing her arms

"I can't sleep at night that's why I fell asleep at the library."Sana said arching her head in frustration

"So it's your fault."Nayeon said which made Sana look up

"It's no ones fault."Sana said

"Jagiya!."someone called as she went her way to the two
"Sana? The bus is already gone. You didn't made it?."Jeongyeon asked

"Isn't obvious, Jeong?."Nayeon said raising a brow

"Shut up! I'm not asking you."Jeongyeon said glaring at her girlfriend

"I guess I'll just go home."Sana said sadly

"There is another way."Jeongyeon said

"What is it then?."Sana asked waiting for her to answer

"Use my car. You know how to drive, right? Then chase them."Jeongyeon said

"Great idea, Jeong! She's right that trip is important, right? So you better chase them. Where is the key by the way?."Nayeon asked

"I left my key to Jun."Jeongyeon replied

"Who is Jun?."Sana asked

"Tzuyu's twin brother, my little brother."Jeongyeon answered

"Oh I remember what Tzuyu said.. she has a brother.."Sana mumbled

"I think you better go now."Nayeon said interrupting her

"But I don't know him."Sana said with a pout

"He's at the library. Just go there and you will definitely recognize him. He's like the boy version of Tzuyu. I'll call him too to give you the key."Jeongyeon said

"Sorry we can't accompany you. We still have an appointment to do."Nayein said checking her wrist watch

"Got it. I already texted him. Now go."Jeongyeon said and with that Sana run towards the library

A few moments later. Sana came to the library gasping for air. She roamed her eyes around the place find to Jun.

There she saw a tall guy at the book shelves. She walk close just to check the guy's face. The guy was like a photocopy of Tzuyu so she assumed it was her twin brother.

"Jeongyeon's sister, right?."Sana started which the guy look at her

"Oh you're my sisters... Well nevermind. Here is the key."Jun then take out the key inside his pocket and gave it to Sana. But instead of getting it Sana just started at Jun
"Excuse me, Minatozaki?."he spoken up

"Oh.. T...Thank you."Sana said taking the key to him

"Welcome. Take care."Jun said and came back to his business

"So that's what Tzuyu looks like when she is a guy."Sana mumbled but shook her head after

Sana then came out of the library and went through the parking lot. She forgot to ask about what car she is using for.

"Stupid."Sana mumbled looking at the empty paring lot

There was only 4 cars left and she found one car that is familiar so she quickly went her way towards it.

Right, she got it right. The car was the same car that Tzuyu use when they came outside together.

She then went inside the car. When she sat in the passenger's seat, her eyes suddenly landed on the driver's seat and pictured Tzuyu smiling as the wind blew her hair. A smile escaped from her lips.

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