13 - U AND I

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The Proffesor was teaching Alegbra but Tzuyu is not listening but just looking at the beautiful girl besides her, which is Sana. The latter was busy listening infront, she didn't even notice that someone is already staring at her.

A few moments later, Sana find someone is staring at her, but still Tzuyu didn't move an inch she even stare at Sana more. And that made Sana frowned and slapped her by her shoulder.

"Stop staring at me and listen to Mr. Choi."Sana scolded but Tzuyu is still staring at her, Sana then pinch her cheeks which she came back to her own senses

"Why did you do that?."Tzuyu asked, caressing her cheeks that the latter have pinch

"Listen to Mr. Choi and stop staring at me."Sana said with a creased on her eyebrows

"I hate Alegbra."Tzuyu answered

"No, actually it's great. If you really just listen."Sana said rolling her eyes

"Yeah, it's always X and Y when will it ever be U and I?."Tzuyu asked, more like flirting, Sana look away and blushed madly and that made Tzuyu smirk knowing she always makes Sana blush like that

"Ms. Minatozaki?."the professor called her name as Sana stood up
"You're face are red are you okay?."he asked

"She's just blushing Mr. Choi."Tzuyu answered which made Sana frowned

"Oh..."he said

Sana just sat down and hide her face with her hands. This tall Yoda is really pissing her off.

As she take a seat she heard someone is laughing at her, it's Tzuyu. She hit her shoulder real hard that made the latter stop from laughing.

"You kept on teasing me."Sana said with a pout

"No because that's the truth, you're really blushing."Tzuyu said, which is true

"Whatever, don't talk to me."Sana said turning her head away from her

"Sorry."Tzuyu said as Sana look at her

"Fine, I will accept your apology."Sana said as Tzuyu smiled widely
"If.."Sana added

"If what?."Tzuyu asked curiously

"If you treat me later, lunch time."Sana said with a teasing smirk

"Is that all? Okay get ready later on, meet me at the gate."Tzuyu said as Sana widden her eyes, she didn't expect Tzuyu will agree, she is just testing the latter but what else she can do it's a blessing anyway

"Stop staring at me and listen to Mr. Choi okay?."Sana said and Tzuyu just nodded her head

After a few minutes of discussion they are now working with their partners.

"Tzu? Are you listening?."Sana asked the moment she saw Tzuyu doing nothing

"Sorry, I really don't know the answer."Tzuyu honestly said rubbing the back of her neck

"You are not listening though."Sana said shooking her head in frustration

"You're beautiful face is distracting me."Tzuyu said staring at her intently, Sana try not to blush but ended up blushing

"So is it my fault?."Sana asked crossing her arms

"No? Did I say that?."Tzuyu asked back

"Yes? You just say few minutes ago."Sana said as Tzuyu sighed and just nodded her head
"I will do this alone but next time I'll teach you."Sana said as Tzuyu smiled

Soon the class dismissed, Sana and Tzuyu now seperated their ways.

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