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Another day has come.

Tzuyu was looking for Sana as the latter said to wait for her to the front gate because she said she is going home with her.

Many hours have passed, Sana didn't came. She didn't tell it to her sister as she said she was with Sana. Well, they really trust the Japanese girl for her sister for now. After all the things she did just when Tzuyu don't want to be her friend anymore.

While waiting she didn't expect that someone's car was already parked infront of her.

"Chou Tzuyu."called the girl who just get out of the car

Tzuyu then look up just to find her chilhood friend, Chong Elkie. She stood up and cups her face just to make sure she is not making any illusions.

"What are you doing, Tzu? You're weird."Elkie chuckled

"Just making sure if you are really real."Tzuyu said as she remove her hands off her

"Do you want to make me slap you just for you to believe that I was real?."Elkie then crossed her arms

"I think so?."Tzuyu said and earn slight slap from Elkie. But it feels like she didn't feel it because Elkie just softly slap her

"You already have trust issues? It's me Elkie you're Childhood Bestfriend."Elkie said shooking her head

"But I saw Sana a while ago but I realize it was just my imagination."Tzuyu then look down

"Okay so... What about.."Elkie then cupped Tzuyu's face and make her look up

Elkie stare at Tzuyu into her eyes before she leaned in and captured her lips. Tzuyu got startled at what just her bestfriend did. Her eyes wide open as Elkie's lips just stayed on hers.

It didn't take long and Elkie pulled out with a smirk across her face.

"Are you that numb? That even though it hurts, you still don't feel like it? What does that girl have to make you look miserable like that?."Elkie said and realized there was someone who is looking at them

As when Tzuyu got to look at the direction that Elkie was looking the girl who she was waiting for since earlier was now running.

She then started to chase Sana but Elkie grabbed a hold on her hands.

"I don't understand it why you still want to be with her even though she's already hurting you, why can't you just hate her?."Elkie said creasing her eyebrows

"Because I love her, that's why no matter how she'll going to hurt me it is always be okay.. It hurts me more if she will leave me behind, i hate it."Tzuyu said which Elkie froze from her place
"Now excuse me and I will now go to her."Tzuyu then turn her way

"Tzuyu!."and with that Tzuyu stopped still facing her back
"Remember you still have your friend here. I'm always here for you. I'm always here for you to run to."Elkie said as Tzuyu turn her head to look back and gave the latter a widest smile

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