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"Sana?."a familiar voice called her as the latter turn to look who it was

"Tz.. Tzuyu?."Sana said with a little shock on her face

"It was nice meeting you again."Tzuyu said with a smile and headed towards Sana

When Sana knew Tzuyu was making her way towards her, she immediately back out. But to surprise her, the latter just put something on her locker next to hers. She almost forgot they just got the locker next to each other. It made her blush in full of embarrassment.

"You're so red."Tzuyu chuckled and Sana notice that Tzuyu's way of dressing was now different

"Yo.. You look so great today. How are you? I thought you will not comeback."Sana asked out of nowhere

1 year ago Tzuyu didn't say any word and just leave without any of them knowing it. Her sister and brother didn't say anything to her even to their own friends. They are just saying they don't know and that didn't buy her. She knows they know where Tzuyu is and why did she leave. But after 1 year she just shrugged it off and forgot about it. She just focus on her relationship with Mark.

"I'm fine. You are still as beautiful as usual."Tzuyu complain with that attractive smile of hers, Sana just returned her a smile

Sana want to ask her what happen last year but her mouth can't let out any words. It was like something magical happen to her that she can't even utter any word.

"We did not talk or even see each other for years so I think you're just not used to it."Tzuyu then check her wrist watch
"I gotta go, unnie is already finding me. Take care."Tzuyu said then leave as Sana just open her mouth but closed it knowing she don't have words to say

"What just happen to me."Sana leaned in to her locker resting her hands to her forehead


J-LINE's house

"Sana ya? You look so tired for today. Want me to help you?."Mina asked but Sana seems not to heared it

"She's not paying attention."Momo said with a food on her hands

"You know what's wrong with her?."Mina asked but the latter shake her head

"By the way, have you heard the news?."Momo said

"What news?."Mina asked confusly

"That Tzuyu finally came back."Momo said which Mina widened her eyes

"You're not joking around, aren't you?."Mina asked

"I'm serious. Go ask her sister."Momo said

"No need."Mina shook her head

"Have you heard that she already change?."Momo asked which Mina frowned

"Of course not. I didn't even know that she is already here, now you're asking me that."Mina said crossing her arms

"Sorry! But she did.. I mean she did really change."Momo said

"How do you say so?."Sana suddenly asked

"From cheerful to cold. I wonder what happen to her in states."Momo said in a sad tone

"States? So you know?."Mina raised a brow

"No. I get it through gossips."Momo shook her head

"And you believe?."Sana asked

"Of course, you know students in our academy. They are as fast as flash."Momo said

"Then they might know what is the reason of her sudden change?."Mina asked

"That is the one that I don't know."Momo replied

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