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Sana and Tzuyu are getting closer day by day as Sana kept on sticking herself to the latter. Well, Tzuyu find her annoying but sometimes she felt like missing the latter even though they just got knew days ago.

She sometimes felt that Sana was kinda familiar to her, just like her she also felt that Sana was somehow familiar to her.

Walking down the streets with Sana clinging on the taller's arms. There Sana saw an ice-cream shop but it made her pout since she has cough. And Tzuyu saw that so she asked the latter.

"You want some ice-cream?."Tzuyu asked raising a brow

"As much as I want to but my throat hurts."Sana pouted

Tzuyu felt something weird when she heard that words but she just nodded at her after.

"Let's just go and eat then."Tzuyu said and headed to the near restaurant while Sana just followed from behind

The two went to the table which is near to the counter. Tzuyu just sat across where the other one is, not knowing the latter is already pouting.

Tzuyu glance at Sana who was now with her crossed arms and pouty lips. Her brows meet in the middle and just stare at the latter with a questioning look.

"Aren't you going to pull a chair for me?."Sana asked as Tzuyu rolled her eyes but obey the latter anyway. Sana smiled afterwards
"Thank you."she said

"Whatever."Tzuyu said the moment she took a seat

"How rude of you."Sana pouted

"Stop pouting, will you?."Tzuyu said with a frown

"You just find it cute."Sana wink making Tzuyu frown even more

"It seems like you have no intention to buy our foods so I'll do it by myself."Tzuyu then stood up and went to the counter. She glance to where Sana is and found her smiling. She frowned
"Such a creep."she mumbled

Soon the two are already eating their foods in silence. Sana was watching the latter everytime she is taking a bite of her food.

Tzuyu didn't mind it since she was used with it.

"Is Cheese Kimbap your favorite food?."Tzuyu asked as she watch how Sana eat the food unlike what she ate ealier. She looks cute while she's munching her foods and it makes her look like a squirrel.

"Yes! I haven't eat this since we went at Los Angeles."Sana replied while cutely munching her foods

"Los Angeles? I thought you're from Korea?."Tzuyu ask in confusion

"Actually no. My father was from Los Angeles and my mother was from Japan."

"Oh so you're a foreigner. Where is your parents then?."

"My father is in here with me and my mother pass away when I born."Sana then look down with a sad face

"I-I'm sorry to ask that."Tzuyu scratches her nape

"No it's okay. I'm used to it. It's also been a years ago and I haven't met her for once."Sana said

"Let's just change the topic. How old are you?."Tzuyu asked

"24. Soon 25."Sana replied
"You?."she asked


"I didn't think I'm older than you but age doesn't matter anyway."Sana chuckled

"You look a little younger than me since you act like a child."Tzuyu said and Sana was about to protest when she heard her next words
"Well it's nice. That's the things we know about each other for now."she said with an unexplainable satisfaction creeping from behind

"Y-You find it nice to know things about me?."Sana seems surprised at what just she said. Well Tzuyu also. She wasn't very much aware of the things Sana was making her feel and think right now.

"A-am I being creepy?."Tzuyu asked

"No. I just never thought you were that type."

Neither did I, Sana..

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