67 - ALL I ASK

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All the eight girls are at Tzuyu's room as they all visited Tzuyu together. They can't visit Tzuyu as of their busy days. Now they have their free time and they immediately make it up to Tzuyu.

At the other side. Jeongyeon was playing with Jun's guitar. Her girlfriend, Nayeon was looking at her with full of love as she watch how her hands land on the strings of the guitar. It's just so romantic to saw her playing guitar like that.

Suddenly, Jeongyeon lost one string which made them all laugh.

"Acting like you know how to play guitar huh."Momo teased making the latter glared at her

"Unnie stop glaring at my girlfriend like that."Dahyun tapped her shoulder

"I'm on the verge of enjoying the scene but oh it really turns me off."Nayeon said with a teasing smirk

"I don't care. I'm just practicing how Jun do it."Jeongyeon defended

"Honestly you look hot with that guitar with you unnie. But in the end."Chaeyoung shook her head and chuckled

"You're so mean with Jeongyeon."Mina laughed

"Hey."someone suddenly called as all of their gaze went to the owner of the voice

"Tzuyu ah!."Sana exclaimed as she went her way towards the latter giving her a warm embrace

"You all seems enjoying."Tzuyu said

"Yeah. They are teasing your sister."Sana whispered with a chuckle

"Why though?."Tzuyu asked confused

"She's acting as if she can play a guitar but can't."Sana chuckled followed by the latter

"You think I didn't heard that."Jeongyeon crossed her arms as she was standing infront of Tzuyu's bed

"It's funny though. You look like a pro when you hold the guitar but when you already played it."Nayeon then clicked her tounge while shooking her head

"I told you I'm just practicing. I'm not like Jun who was a good in guitar. Not to mention Tzuyu can also play a guitar."Jeongyeon said as all of the gaze went at the latter

"Is it true?."Sana asked with a smile

"Yeah."Tzuyu scratches her nape feeling shy

"Show them your skills, Tzu."Chaeyoung said

"I can sing for you."Jihyo suggested

"I want to heard Tzuyu sings."Sana said

"You don't know, Tzuyu is a great singer."Dahyun said

"Come on let us hear your voice."Momo said happily

"Let's go Tzuyu. You can do that."Mina smiled

"I don't know what to sing."Tzuyu looked down

"You can sing your favorite song."Nayeon suggested as Tzuyu nodded her head

"Here's the guitar then."Jeongyeon said handing her the guitar

Before Tzuyu could start she stare at Sana first who is now smiling at her. Tzuyu hummed the first line before she started to play the guitar.

All I ask is If

Tzuyu stare at Sana's eyes as if the song was dedicated to her.

This is my last night with you

Sana's heart suddenly dropped when she heard it. She knows it was just a song but it feels like something stabbed inside her heart.

Hold me like I'm more than just a friend

Tzuyu and Sana are just staring at each other. Sana don't know but her tears are becoming heavy she was sure later on she will burst into tears.

Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?

Tzuyu stops singing and end playing the guitar. All of them seems so emotional when Tzuyu sang that song.  Nayeon who just wipe off her tears, Jihyo who is smiling with a tears, Chaeyoung and Dahyun who was suppressing their tears, Mina who was wiping her tears but can't help to stop it, Momo who just ended crying and Sana who was now bursting in tears.

"Come on guys. I just sing."Tzuyu chuckled enlighting the mood

"Sorry we can't help but to feel emotional."Jeongyeon smiled

"You're voice is amazing."Momo said and cried again

"Shh. Stop crying."Dahyun caress her back

"Let's just have a dinner."Jihyo interrupted as they all nodded

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now