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Momo and Mina has been staring at Sana since ealier because she's been being busy with her make up.

She is not like that since then, never ever in her life. And that is why her two Japanese friends are wondering.

"Are you going somewhere, Sana chan?."Mina asked the moment Sana stood up from her seat

"Yes umm I'm meeting someone."Sana replied with full of smile

"Who is it? We want to know."Mina said

"If it is Tzuyu it's okay for us."Momo said as she earned a slight slap from Mina

"I'm going with Mark oppa, he invited me."Sana said happily, Sana got never been happy like this before

"How come Mark ssi learn to invite someone."Mina mumbled as Momo look at her confusly

"You know him?."Momo asked, but instead of answering Mina pulled her to the next room

"I know Mark since then, he's one of my co workers. And the gossips there is making me bother."Mina said

"Why though?."Momo asked

"Mark ssi is known for being a playboy. What if he is just playing with Sana's feelings? I don't want that to happen."Mina said with a sigh

"Should we tell it to her?."Momo said as Mina nodded her head, but before they could tell, Sana is already gone

"What a nice timing."Mina groaned frustratedly

"Let's go outside!."Momo said pulling Mina away

While walking they saw someone familiar going inside the car.

"Wait! is that Tzuyu?."Mina asked Momo

"Tzuyu!!!."Momo called as Tzuyu turn and felt shock

"Unn.. Unnie."Tzuyu trembled

"You're here?."Mina asked with a crossed arms

"I just accompany Mark from here since he doesn't know the way from Sana's house."Tzuyu said with a nervous laugh

"I can tell that it is true but I think you didn't tell all."Mina said dead serious

"Are you serious? Tzuyu can't lie just for once, what are you saying."Momo said

"But for Sana, she can."Mina said and with that Tzuyu swallowed hard
"Now tell us why are you really here."Mina said but then Tzuyu run away and hop in her car in a speed manner

"What the hell? That kid is really..."Momo said with a frown

"I told you she did not tell all."Mina said as Momo nodded in agreement

"She can't really lie that's why she run before we ask her about that thing."Momo said while shooking her head
"Should we ask her the next following days?."Momo asked

"As curious as fuck I think we will. It's for our friend after all."Mina said as she take a look at Momo
"Did you think what I think?."Mina asked but Momo just look at her questionly

"What is it?."Momo asked confusly

"This is one of the reason why I don't want to put a single conversation with you."and with that Mina walked out but still Momo followed her

"Hey you're not telling me what is it yet!!."Momo exclaimed following Mina

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