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Sana was now out with Mark since the latter visited Tzuyu and Sana need to go back to her place to get something. Mark insisted to have some lunch with him because he misses her so much. They didn't meet for months that's why.

She don't know why she choose to be with Mark today but she feels like this is wrong since Tzuyu and her are now married. She admit it she missed being with Mark too. She feels safe when she's with him.

But those feelings are more extraordinary when she's with Tzuyu.

"Still thinking of Tzuyu?."Mark breaks the silence
"You really fell on her, do you?."Mark asked but didn't get any answer

Sana stay in silence until she decided to spoke up.

"Mark. I'm sorry."Sana also don't know why she's saying sorry

"It's okay. I don't mind. You love me but I know you fell deeply inlove with Tzuyu."Mark paused as he took a deep breath
"I love you but I think I need to let you go."Mark said with a bitter smile

"Mark I.."Mark cutted her off

"I meant to invite you here to have some lunch with me. I also don't want to lie to my best bud. She don't deserve that. She deserves to be with you. I know you're more than happy when you're with her. Your smiles when you're with her. I found that you really love her with your smiles. Sana, please take care of her. I love you."Mark said as Sana don't know what to do but to hug him and cried on his shoulders
"Shh don't cry. You better be happy with Tzuyu."he said


After Sana went to her place she immediately came back to the hospital. There she find Tzuyu still sleeping. This days she's been always sleeping.

She slowly went closer to the latter as she stare at her beautiful face. It has become her hobby, to stare at Tzuyu's face when she is asleep. She don't know but looking at the latter's face makes her day even better maybe she has already fallen deeply inlove with her.

Later on she just find herself leaning in to Tzuyu's face until she stops inches away from her face. She stare at her closed eyes, her nose and stops right into her lips.

Her lips find it's way to the latter's. She closed her eyes as she feels the taller's lip with hers. She then pulled away minutes ago staring at Tzuyu's face.

"I love you, Tzuyu. Please don't leave me."Sana's tears started to fall down but wiped it right away, before Tzuyu could saw her

"Sana? Are you crying?."Jeongyeon suddenly came

"No. I'm not."Sana look away

"Don't worry she will be okay soon so that you two can live happily. Now let's eat and wait for her to woke up."Jeongyeon said as she take Sana to the table
"Come on eat more. Tzuyu might scold you later if she find out you being like that."Jeongyeon said the moment she noticed the latter didn't eat that much

"I'm sorry I can't stop thinking about her."Sana looked down

"Tzuyu is a strong girl. She will be better, believe me."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now