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"Hirai Momo!."someone called the latter's name

"Why?."Momo asked a little annoyed as the latter is bugging her since ealier

"I'm busy this coming days so tell your friend that this is the only day that she will be interviewing me."Jeongyeon said

As of that they have a project that was about interviewing Junior or Senior and Sana choose Jeongyeon. But because of Sana's insufficient schedule yesterday she didn't able to meet her.

"I told you Sana is busy with her boyfriend and I am also busy with my girlfriend."Momo said with a frown

"Fuck that busy schedules. Tell her to meet me in my class or else I will not answer her questions."Jeongyeon said then walked out

"Tzuyu's sister is so annoying."Momo mumbled

"Momo ya! Did you see Jeongyeon?."Sana then came

"She just came here. You two are just finding each other."Momo said

"Why didn't you.."Sana was cutted off by the latter

"I have my own business! Go find her in her class!."Momo then walked out

"Love quarrel? Period?."Sana asked herself

Sana was walking in the senior's hall as she was finding Jeongyeon. She hate to be with this as many of the students here are crazy. Some are looking at her like a peace of meat. She really hated it. She wanted to tell her boyfriend about this but for sure he will just shrugged it off.

"Minatozaki?."a guy's voice was heard as Sana turn around to find Tzuyu's twin brother, Jun

Sana was a bit shock. She could see Tzuyu's face from him. Well, that explains he was her twin after all.

"Hey did you know what class your sister in?."Sana asked

"Oh? You mean Jeongyeon noona?."Sana nodded
"Come with me."Jun then leaded her the way

"Why are you here by the way?."Sana asked while walking

"I fetch my girlfriend here."Jun answered

"She's a senior?."Jun nods
"You like older girls huh."Sana said with a teasing smirk

"You too. Mark is 3 years older than you, right?."Jun teased and that made Sana frown

"So what?."Sana said still with a frown as Jun turn his head to look at her just to laugh

And that laugh reminds Sana of someone. It reminds her of Tzuyu. The way Jun's laugh is just like the way Tzuyu laugh.

Her thoughts was interrupted when Jun clapped his hands infront of her, startling her.

"You're staring at my handsome face too much, Minatozaki."Jun said that made Sana frown

"You know, you're so full of yourself, Mr. Chou."Sana said

"I'm just telling the truth? Didn't I?."Jun asked

"For me you're not that handsome."Sana said which is a lie. Yes she find Jun handsome but not handsome as her boyfriend

"Lies... Here we are!."Jun stopped right oh infront of the door
"I'll wait you here because some of the guys here are crazy."Jun said as Sana nodded her head

She went inside just to find Jeongyeon and Nayeon flirting.

"Ms. Chou Jeongyeon."Sana fake a cough

"Sana? Why did you not show up yesterday?."Nayeon asked

"Sunday is only my free time to visit cemetery."Sana said

"You don't need to explain it at all. You can now leave."Jeongyeon said as Nayeon stood up and left them two alone

"Shall we start now?."Sana said as Jeongyeon nodded

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