74 - TZUYU?

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"By the way we would like you to meet.... our daughter, Tzuyu."Jeongyeon said taking Tzuyu's hand

"We already met."Tzuyu said with her stoic face

"Aw. Destiny really works for the two of you."Nayeon said making her daughter frown

"She looks somehow familiar."Sana said

"Because we already saw each other in the mall, idiot."Tzuyu said, whispering the last word

"Wait what? What did you just said?."Sana stood up, raising one of her brow

"Hey hey hey! Don't fight here. You two are destined to be a lovers not to be an enemies."Momo said earning slap from her wife

"You two should stop. Let's just enjoy okay?."Mina interrupted

Soon their parents started to mind their own business while their daughter's are having fun with each other's company.

But on the other side. Tzuyu was just alone. She's not that close with Heejin and Chaewon and she don't want to communicate to other people for now. She's used for being alone.

"You know Tzuyu seems to like you."Heejin said making Sana frown

"How though? She hated me."Sana rolled her eyes

"Maybe that was her way to show that she likes you?."Chaewon chuckled

"You're hallucinating too much."Sana crossed her arms

"Or you're the one who likes her?."Heejin smirked

"No? How would I like such a rude like her?."Sana said

"Rude? You mean the one who saved you when you are about to fall?."Heejin said

"Yeah and the way you look at her tells otherwise."Chaewon said

"I don't know but when I stare at her it's just like I already met her."Sana looked down

"Maybe it was just love at first sight?."Heejin chuckled

"No it's not like that. I feel more than that."Sana said

"More? You mean you're already in love with her? Oh my Go—"Chaewon didn't able to finish her sentence when Sana hit her by her arms
"Ouch! What was that for?."Chaewon pouted

"You're saying too much. That's not what I feel. It's just.. I don't know."Sana said looking away

Her gaze then went somewhere and immediately went at Tzuyu who is now busy with her phone.

Suddenly, Tzuyu caught someone is staring at her so she immediately turn her head and found Sana looking at her. The older widens her eyes and look away with a red tint on her face.

"Oh? That was awesome!."Heejin exclaimed as she saw that scene

"The way Tzuyu raised her brows was just... hot!."Chaewon holding onto her mouth

"Now tell me who is the one who likes Tzuyu?."Sana then raised an eyebrow

"No! I just found her hot! There's nothing wrong with that!."Chaewon defended

"So was mine."Sana rolled her eyes

"I will never take your crush away from you though."Chaewon stood up and run towards the kitchen before Sana could hit her

"If I were you I will now talk to Tzuyu."Heejin said before she left


Tzuyu's side

"Want some drinks?."Tzuyu look up just to saw someone handing her a bottle of drink

"I don't want to."she replied, looking away

"I just wanted to be close to you."Sana said sitting besides her

"Why?."Tzuyu ask looking at Sana with no emotion. Sana gulped and look away

"I just want to?."Sana laugh awkwardly

"Okay."Tzuyu shortly replied

"You mean it's okay for you?."Sana jumped in happiness

"You heard me right."Tzuyu said sternly

"Yay! Thank you!."Sana is now jumping like a kid as Tzuyu was just watching her with a frown

Tzuyu and Sana just talk until the party ended.

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