58 - TEARS

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After Mark and Sana met, the Japanese girl then decided to go back to her room.

There she found Tzuyu crying. The latter's tears didn't even stop the moment she saw Sana, it flowed even more.

"Why are you crying?."Sana asked in a worried and concerned tone

"N.. Nothing.. This is nothing."Tzuyu lied but Sana didn't buy that excuse

"Who made you cry?."Sana said as she held Tzuyu's hand
"Stop crying, I.. I don't like seeing you cry."Sana said but Tzuyu remove her hands from hers

Tzuyu then run towards her room not minding Sana shouting behind her.

The moment she arrived at her room she immediately leaned on the wall, dragging herself down and hugged her knees as she cried her eyes out.


Why do we often become martyrs and fools when it comes to love?

Why is it okay with you even if it hurts?

Is that really do when you love someone?

"Tzu, I'm telling you, you will cry a lot in the end."Elkie said

They are now at Elkie's house as Tzuyu wants to spend her day with the latter. She want to rest her aching heart for a meantime later on she will be seeing Sana again and that made her hurt everytime that scene replayed into her mind.

"I know Elkie. But the pain was worth it if it's her."Tzuyu said with a sad smile

"At first I thought you will be happy when she is besides you but.."Tzuyu cutted her off

"It was. This pain will be gone soon as long as she is with me."

"Enough with this and let's bake your favorite bread."Elkie suggested as she stood up
"Wanna do it with me?."she said as Tzuyu gladly nodded her head

Soon after they bake and play some games in the pc, someone suddenly knocks on the door.

They look at each other first before Elkie got up. They didn't expect any visitors for today so they are wondering.

Tzuyu waited through the living room until she saw her sister with Sana.

"I told you she's here."Jeongyeon whispered which Tzuyu clearly heard it

"Tzuyu ah. Let's go home."Sana's sweet voice makes Tzuyu smile

As Tzuyu stood up, Elkie stare at her first asking if she is okay. After that she nodded and Elkie walked them outside her house.

Inside the car.

"Tzuyu? Why you went to Elkie's house? Is there something wrong?."Jeongyeon asked looking at the mirror

"I just wanted to have some bond with Elkie. We're not meeting each other this month."Tzuyu said which is definitely right

"Is it true?."Sana asked by her side as Tzuyu hummed in response

Soon they got into their house and Tzuyu immediately went to her room without talking to Sana.

As Tzuyu was resting, someone suddenly knocks on her door. It didn't last long the door opens wide revealing Sana.

"Can I sleep here?."Sana asked with her cute and beautiful face

Tzuyu can't help but to smile and nodded her head. Since then Sana will just go to her room and ask her to sleep with her. They been doing this for months but Sana is still asking for a permission.

As when Tzuyu nodded her head Sana then quickly hop on the bed making Tzuyu's body jump a little.

"I miss your embrace."Sana snuggled her face to Tzuyu's neck and take her hands into the latter's waist

"You just missed hugging my abs."Tzuyu teased earning a slap from her abdomen

"So what."Sana said and Tzuyu can see that she's pouting through her neck

"Let's sleep, I'm sleepy."Tzuyu then closed her eyes

"Goodnight, Tzu."

"Goodnight, Sana."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now