27 - CRUSH

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Another day had gone by Sana and Tzuyu didn't talk that much, that is because of the kiss. Since that scene happens Sana started to distant herself from Tzuyu.

The taller one kept on doing something but then Sana just treat her like an invisible person. She's happy at first that Sana is her first kiss but for what just happening for now, no.

"Did Sana unnie have talk to you already?."Chaeyoung ask the moment Tzuyu sat right next to her with a gloomy face

"Not yet."Tzuyu answered in a sad tone

"What did you do to her? It's impossible if she will just act like that when you did nothing wrong."Dahyun said

"You will just tease me if I will tell you the truth."Tzuyu said

"Okay okay, we will not tease you. Just tell us the truth, please?."Chaeyoung pleaded

"W...we accidentally kissed...."Tzuyu was cutted off when the two squealed at the top of their lungs

"Oh my gosh!! I can't believe it!!."Dahyun exclaims

"She is your first kiss, right? You're really lucky."Chaeyoung said with full of smile

"Yes, but the problem is she is not talking to me. It's torturing me, you know that."Tzuyu said as Chaeyoung patted her back

"Don't worry, Tzu. She will talk to you soon."Chaeyoung smiled


At the cafeteria, there the girls stayed. They are complete for today as they have the same free time. Tzuyu and Sana is still not talking to each other and that bothered Tzuyu more.

"Sana, are you okay?."Jihyo asked in concern

"Y.. Yes."Sana answered without making any eye contact with them

"You seems not though."Momo said while munching her food

"You've been acting like that since then."Mina said

"You know unnie, nothing will happen if you will just act like that. That's so memorable, you know?."Chaeyoung said earning a slight slap from Dahyun

"You know about it?."Mina asked confused

"N.. No."Chaeyoung answered without looking into Mina's eyes

"Hi Tzuyu!."someone suddenly came

"Oh! Mark!."Tzuyu stood up as she gave the guy a hug

"Mark oppa! Long time no see!."Chaeyoung exclaims giving Mark a high five

"How long have you been here, oppa?."Dahyun asked

"3 days ago."Mark answered

"By the way, I would like you to meet Mark, Mark Tuan. He is one of my close friends here since he can speak the same language as me."Tzuyu said and with that Mark bowed his head

"Nice to meet you girls!."Mark said with a smile

"Oh and this is Park Jihyo she is the SC President here, I know you know that."Dahyun said pointing at Jihyo and Mark just nodded his head
"This is Hirai Momo, Myoui Mina and laslty Minatozaki Sana."Dahyun said pointing at all of them

On the other side, Sana was just staring at Mark half mouth open.

"Sana chan? Are you alright there?."Mina asked as she noticed Sana's change of expression

"Ye.. Yeah, I'm fine."Sana answered with a force smile, Mina went her gaze to the one who is Sana looking and found that it is from Mark

"H.. He's cute."Sana thought

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