54 - SICK

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Tzuyu wasn't supposed to came back to Korea but she insisted to. She want to spend her remaining years or whatever days to her family. She just don't want to die in the states alone. Her father agreed with that matter. There's no way they will not grant Tzuyu's wishes.

And for her studies, she studied at home. She just don't want to stay at home doing nothing. She also want to learn. Her mother was only her companion as they are all busy with school and company. Well, Tzuyu insisted not to go with her. Her mother is fine with her by her side.

They have nothing to do because once Tzuyu say something they will definitely grant it without complaining. That's what their family was back when she is still a child. But as responsible and a good child. Tzuyu didn't use to abuse it and also followed her family's wish.

As of now she was thinking what her doctor have said.

"Asthma doesn't completely go away once you develop it."

That was the last word that her doctor have said to her. It kept running through her mind. Even though she want to forget it, it will just came out through her mind out of the blue.

She was so stressed, thinking any day she can die.

Her parents already did all their best just to cure her asthma but she's so tired. There was a day that she wanted to give up, but her family.. She don't want to leave them that way, Sana she also don't want to leave her. She want Sana to be hers until her last breath. But knowing she had a boyfriend she can't just be so selfish and take Sana away from him plus Mark is also her friend.

At the other side her sister and her girlfriend was watching her. She has been like that since she came back here in Korea. She change herself into a cold person. She's tired of pretending she's always happy but deep inside she's not. In the eyes of the people she is okay outside but inside she is very weak.

"Do you saw how she smile at Sana ealier?."Nayeon asked
"If you just came with my plan yo.."Jeongyeon cutted her off

"No. If I said no it's a no. Then what? When she is okay when she is already healed what will happen? She will only be hurt. Because first of all, Sana doesn't love her."Jeongyeon said

"We will just try..."Nayeon stopped when she saw Jeongyeon's reaction
"Sorry. I just wanted the best for Tzuyu. For now Sana is the only person that can make her happy like that. We don't know when will she last..."Nayeon got shockes when Jeongyeon slams the table

"She will make it! She will not going to die! She will still live with us! She will never die."with that Jeongyeon's tears fall across her face. Nayeon quickly gave her a warm embrace with a teary eyes

"I'm sorry. Jeongyeon ah. I didn't mean that way. We can't decide.. we can't decide when we will die. Everyone of us. So let us give what makes Tzuyu happy even if it's so complicated."Nayeon said caressing her back

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