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It also took a months since Sana live with Tzuyu. She really grant the latter's wishes and that really made her happy. She wants Sana to be her temporary happiness. That's all she wants to happen to be happy even if it's only for a short days.

Sana didn't go with Mark this days even if Tzuyu allows her to. She said she is her priority for now.

She knows Sana is just doing this because she's sick not because she loves her but what else can she do. She have no reason to say something, she's just her friend after all.

"Tzuyu ah?."Sana called her as Tzuyu sat up from her bed
"The breakfast is ready. Jeongyeon already cooked it for us."Sana said as Tzuyu stood up

"Are you going out again?."Tzuyu asked in a sad tone

"I am. But I promise I will be right back."Sana smiled as she kissed Tzuyu's forehead
"Don't be sad and let's eat. We will go out tomorrow as I promise."Sana said as she held Tzuyu's hands and pulled her downstairs

As when they got down. They were greeted by Jeongyeon.

"Goodmorning, Tzuyu."Jeongyeon said with a wide smile

"Goodmorning, unnie."Tzuyu smiled as she sat across the latter same as Sana who just sat beside her

"Did you know that Sana also helped me to cook this."Jeongyeon said but Sana shook her head

"I just..."Sana was cutted off

"Still you helped me to cook this for Tzuyu."Jeongyeon continued

"You will be a great wife soon."Tzuyu said with a smile which made Sana blush

As soon as they got finished eating. Sana immediately rush out since she is meeting someone today. She didn't have told the two as they said she also can have her own privacy.

She then got out using Jeongyeon's car. She don't have a car that's why she borrowed Jeongyeon's.

At the other side Tzuyu was also preparing since Elkie have invited her to eat in the restaurant with her. She don't want to go at first but the latter insisted her so she have nothing to do anymore.


Tzuyu was now at the restaurant with Elkie when she saw a familiar car. She immediately excuse herself just to check on who it was.

She took a peak and saw Sana with Mark smiling, a smile she never saw before. She was smiling when she saw the two.

"I love you..."

Her smile suddenly disappeared and she felt like someone stabbed her heart.

"Do you already love Tzuyu?." Mark asked

"What? I'm telling you that she's just my friend and nothing else, you're the only one that I love, you and nothing else."Sana said and that made Mark smile. She knows Sana just do this as a friend nothing more but it hurt her so much

"I love you."Mark said and kissed her forehead

"I love you, Mark you and only you."Sana said

Tzuyu was just standing at her place, tears flowing over her cheeks. Silently, crying behind the wall, she can't help it but to let her eyes cry like a flow of the river.

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now