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Another day has come, Sana was walking around the hallway. She is asking the other students where is the practice room located. She is still unfamiliar with this campus.

Momo and Mina didn't know that Sana is going to meet them as they are really busy for their practice. She went to the school earlier as she want to watch her friends practice.

While walking there is some of the students who is looking at her. She don't know what is the reason.

"Is she the one in the cafeteria?."the girl asked the other one

"Oh! The one who bumped on Tzuyu? Well she's beautiful though. They fit together."the girl said which made Sana hide her face with her hair in embarrassment

"They have... What do you call this... Uhhh chemistry!."the girl said, Sana just continue to walk not minding the other students gossiping

She arrived at the room, she doesn't know if this is what they called practice room. She just peeked her head in and found no one.

While walking she heard a music, maybe there is a person she just didn't notice it.

She was finding where the music came from as she found a phone playing over a chair. There was no one there.

The moment she was about to turn around someone suddenly appeared which made her jump on her place.

The latter's chuckled seeing Sana being like that.

"You scare the shit out of me."Sana said glaring at the latter

"Sorry for making you scare, why are you doing here by the way?."Tzuyu asked as she wipped her sweats all over her body, Sana's gaze suddenly went to Tzuyu's exposed abdomen

"I.. I'm here for my friends."Sana answered as she averted her gaze to Tzuyu's abdomen

"Oh you mean Mina and Momo unnie?."Tzuyu asked as Sana nodded her head
"They left for a while to buy something, you can just stay here."Tzuyu added

"No umm... I still have something to do, I will just find them."Sana said which make Tzuyu sad

"You're still unfamiliar with this place right? Want me to accompany you?."Tzuyu said but Sana shook her head

"No, it's okay for me, I can just ask the students around."Sana said

"Okay."Tzuyu said as she stare at Sana's side cheek
"Oh there's something....."Tzuyu leaned in which Sana take a step back, but Tzuyu just take something on her cheeks
"There's a dirt on your cheeks."Tzuyu smiled, Sana blinked three times as she came back with her senses and bid a goodbye to Tzuyu

While walking outside she suddenly saw her friends coming inside the practice room.

"Oh you're here?."Mina asked

"Yeah I'm finding you though, but you're not inside."Sana said as Momo take a peek from inside finding Tzuyu practicing

"You know... what you are looking for is your best friends and then you find the one you will be with for the rest of your life."Momo teases which made Sana blushed

"Let's eat together, the other members are still not there yet so."Mina suggested which the two gladly accepted

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