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As weekend come, Mark visited to Tzuyu's house as he was missing the latter since then. He become busy as a senior and he never pay a visit with her friend.

He knock on the door but no one was trying to open it so he just came inside and found no people. He wandered around the house and still find no glimpse of them.

So he started to went towards Tzuyu's room but for his shock Tzuyu was in the bed with her sister. They were panicking as Tzuyu seems like she can't breathe. Nayeon then hurriedly take the spacer with Tzuyu's mouth. Mark was even more getting nervous as he was watching the scene.

Tzuyu then find him watching and stare at him but still losing her breath.

"Tzuyu ah..."Jeongyeon was now crying and Nayeon kept on telling her to move out

Nayeon was doing her job on her own. She was a soon to be doctor along with Jeongyeon so she also know about this. She was making her girlfriend move as she was so nervous and can't do the job itself.

A moments later Tzuyu can now finally breathe. She was still resting on the bed.

"Tzuyu.... What happened to her?."Mark asked in a worried and concerned voice

"Her asthma attack her again. It.. It was getting worse day by day. I'm afraid.."Jeongyeon then wiped off her tears

"Mark? Can we talk?."Nayeon said as Mark nodded his head


"What? You want me to let my girlfriend be with her? I don't understand why? Why is that?."Mark said

"Only Sana can make her happy. You want to help, right? then.."Nayeon was cutted off by the latter

"Yes but my girlfriend? It's a no. Sorry but she is my girlfriend I can't let her be with somebody else."Mark said shooking his head

"Even to your friend?."Jeongyeon suddenly came

"I'm sorry for being selfish but I can't just let my girlfriend in that situation. She was a person not a toy that can only be borrowed when you want to and then return when it's already fine."Mark said as the two look at each other before they answer

"Tzuyu was dying, Mark. We want to do all what she wants till her last breath. Please Mark, I'm begging you even for just a moment."Jeongyeon pleaded now with a teary eyes

"Her asthma was no cure. We are doing our best just to make her okay but her asthma is just coming back again and again. Mark please for the sake of your friend."Nayeon pleaded as Mark look away hesitating to answer

Her friend was important to him but Sana is more important to him. She loves Sana more than anything that they can't replace her with anything or anybody.

Little did they know, Sana just came with a foods on her hands as she promised to Tzuyu that she is going to eat lunch with her.

"Is.. Is true? Tzu.. Tzuyu was sick?."

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