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A weeks later Tzuyu finally go to school.

As when Sana saw her walking through the door, she smiled. She don't know why but something on her is finding Tzuyu the last few days.

Tzuyu immediately seated besides her and gave her the sweetest smile.

"That smile.."Sana thought but she came to her own sense and shook her head

"Hi Sana! I missed you."Tzuyu said staring intently into her eyes, Sana return a smile and that is the first time she smile to Tzuyu
"You look so beautiful when I'm the reason why you're smiling."Tzuyu said as Sana pretended to look outside the window to hide her heaten face

"Where have you been this past few days?."Sana suddenly ask, neither her didn't expect that coming, Tzuyu smiled knowing Sana is a bit concern to her

"You're being concern to me huh."Tzuyu said with a teasing smirk

"Of course not! I'm just asking though."Sana said forming a creased on her eyebrows

"Sorry, I won't tease you anymore. That's the way of me if I wanted someone to be my friend."Tzuyu said with her gorgeous smile that shows her cute dimples

"Fine."Sana simply answered which Tzuyu smile widely

"You mean we are friends now?."Tzuyu asked as if she didn't heard it

"Yes and don't make me repeat it."Sana said in a serious tone as Tzuyu cheerfully raised up her hands, Sana chuckled with her childish action

"Thank you!."Tzuyu said and suddenly hug her, Sana was startled by her action
"Oh sorry! I'm just being excited here."Tzuyu said scratching the back of her nape

"No, that's okay."Sana said and slightly smiled

"Uhh.. Can.. Can we take our lunch together?."Tzuyu asked with a puppy eyes, Sana pinch her cheeks before she answers

"Of course."Sana said removing her hands away from her face
"You look cute."Sana mumbled but still Tzuyu can heard it

"But you're one thousand more cuter than me."Tzuyu said that made Sana smile

"You really like to say sweet words huh."Sana said but Tzuyu shook her head

"That's a compliment though."Tzuyu said with a pout

"Yeah? Okay?."Sana said chuckling

"Why are you laughing?."Tzuyu asked still with a pout, Sana's gaze suddenly went to the latter's pouty lips

"Y.. You're always pouting."Sana said looking away

"Why did you find it cute?."Tzuyu said as confident as she was

"Of course..."Sana turn her head to Tzuyu and found her pouting again, she don't know why but everytime she's doing that her heart was melting
"Fine, you're cute."Sana said as Tzuyu smile widely

"Yey!."Tzuyu shouted like a kid, which made Sana laugh slyly

"Can I invite my friends later?."Sana change the topic

"Yes, of course."Tzuyu answered

"You? I mean do you have your friends with you?."Sana asked

"My other friends is in a higher level so I will just bring Chae and Dahyun umnie."Tzuyu said as Sana nodded her head but realized the name she just said

"Wait? So it's true? Dahyun was your friend?."Sana asked

"What? Do you like her?."Tzuyu asked

"No, I'm straight."Sana said as Tzuyu's reaction suddenly change but pretended like nothing

"Oh my bad."Tzuyu answered

"The prof is already there.. So talk to you later."Sana said, Tzuyu just nodded her head

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