37 - TRUTH

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"Sana ya!."Momo called when Sana just came inside

"You're with Tzuyu?."Mina asked

"It suddenly rains and exactly Tzuyu was there so she decided to take us home."Sana replied, throwing herself on the couch

"Wow just wow. You two just made Tzuyu your driver."Momo said clicking her tounge

"What? It's her who ask us to have a ride with her."Sana crossed her arms

"But you agreed."Mina said

"What is wrong with that by the way?."Sana asked catching them off guard

"Nothing!."Momo laughed awkwardly

"You two are really something you know."Sana said while shooking her head

"I'm not, Momo chan is being weird nowdays."Mina defended which the latter creased her eyebrows

"You know I'm just going to sleep now."Momo stomped her feet while walking upstairs

"She's broken hearted, I guess."Sana said

"With Dahyun?."Mina asked

"There's a rumor that she and Chaeyoung are dating."Sana said as shd stood up

"Wait what?! Is it really real?."Mina half shouted

"I'll leave that question unanswered."Sana then went upstairs leaving Mina dumbfounded


At Tzuyu's house

"Where did you go, Tzu?."Jeongyeon asked

"You're with Mark? Don't tell me you..."Nayeon was cutted off by the taller

"Yes, I take them home. I can't just watch them struggling in the rain."Tzuyu said which the two shook their heads in dissapointment

"You really have the guts to do that."Nayeon said

"You're stalking them, do you?."Jeongyeon ask but Tzuyu ddidn't answer
"So it's true. It's already one month, Tzu. Are you just going to do the same thing again and again? Stalking them to know what they really do. Tzuyu.. How many times do I have to remind you? Stop hurting yourself. We're also hurting seeing you being like that."Jeongyeon said

"Ma'am? Mr. Tuan is outside looking for Ms. Tzuyu."the butler said as Tzuyu stare at the two before she leave

"Bud? What brings you here?."Tzuyu asked taking Mark with her inside

"I left my phone in your car, bud. Sorry for interrupting you. I wait until the rains stop until I got into here."Mark scratched his nape

"Come on it's okay. Wait I'll just get my key."Tzuyu then went inside leaving Mark near her car

Few minutes have passed Tzuyu came back with the key on her hands.

"I got it, just wait there."Tzuyu said going through her car

"Thanks for today, Tzu."Mark thanked her

"That's no problem. I gotta go inside now, you should go home now too."Tzuyu then turn around

"Tzuyu?."Mark called her as Tzuyu turn back in confusion

"Yes? You need something again?."Tzuyu asked, Tzuyu notice that Mark's both hands are trembling. That made her wonderful
"Are you okay, bud?."Tzuyu asked

"Can we talk in private? I have something to tell you."Mark said and that made the latter feel nervous

As when only the two of them can be seen Mark then decided to stop.

"Tzu.. It is about Sana."Mark started

"Wh... What about her?."Tzuyu asked nervously


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