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It's also been two months since Sana stayed at Tzuyu's house and since then her feelings grew even more but she knows this is wrong, she have a boyfriend and she is doing this because she want to help Tzuyu as her friend.

Since then her two Japanese friends kept on teasing her about Tzuyu everytime they visit her. She find it annoying but sometimes confusing. She was still on the verge of finding out her true feelings for Tzuyu but this two girls are making her confuse.

At the living room teasing Sana.

"How's your three fucking months staying with Tzuyu?."Momo asked with her annoying smile

"It's good."Sana replied

"I have a good news."Mina then started to spoke up as the two look at her

"What is it?."Momo asked

"Me and Chaeyoung are now dating."Mina said as the two squealed as if there was no other people here

"Gosh! Tzuyu is sleeping keep your voice low."Mina said as the two shut their mouths

"Speaking of your relationship with Mark."Momo suddenly said out of nowhere

"We're fine."Sana said not making any eye contact

"But he's not meeting you or talking to you."Mina said

"Wait what? Why?."Momo turn to look at Sana

"I ask him not to see me for a meantime."Sana look down

"And it's fine with you?."Mina asked crossing her arms

"You manage not to talk or meet him? Why because you're already inlove with Tzuyu?."Momo asked with a teasing smirk

"Mark is the only person I love, fact."Sana said

"You fall inlove with him because his handsome, fact."Momo said with a grin

"Or because you hate to admit that you're inlove with a girl? That's why you're pushing yourself into him."Mina said as Sana just stayed in silence

"Goodmorning!."Tzuyu suddenly came still with her PJ's

"かわいい"Sana said as she was still looking at Tzuyu

"Huh? What do you mean?."Tzuyu asked in confusion

Meanwhile her two Japanese friends are trying their best not to laugh.

"She said you're cute."Mina said earning a glare from the latter and with that Tzuyu smile

"Let's eat breakfast."Sana then stood up and went through the kitchen

"Look who's blushing."Momo laugh

"Wait. I'll just change my clothes."Tzuyu said then went upstairs again

"Take your time!."Momo said

Soon Sana was now done preparing their foods but found no Tzuyu.

"Where is she?."Sana asked

"Upstairs."Mina said pointing up

"What is she doing there?."Sana asked

"We don't know."Momo shrugged her shoulders

"Okay I'm gonna call her."Sana then went up

"Seriously? She's changing right?."Mina said but Momo just returned an evil smirk. Mina quickly get what she trying to do

As soon as Sana open Tzuyu's door, there she found Tzuyu only wearing her undergarments. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks.

The taller then turn around as she noticed someone is looking at her. Sana had the good view of Tzuyu's body. The heat on her cheeks kept on rising with that Tzuyu smirk and decided to came closer.

"What are you doing here?."Tzuyu asked but still Sana is staring at her abdomen

"W... We are going to eat."Sana said still eyeing down

"Eat what?."Tzuyu asked innocently as Sana's blush tripled

"I.. I'm just going to wait you downstairs."Sana then started to run as Tzuyu laugh so hard

"She's so red."Tzuyu said, laughing

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