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Today is Sunday, Sana was just staying at her house with her two Japanese friends.

Mina and Momo is just playing around while Sana is at her room playing with her phone. She have nothing to do for today that's why she's just here.

A few minutes later she went downstairs and heard her friends talking with someone.

"Tzuyu chan."Mina's voice was heard

Sana then peeked her head and found Tzuyu talking to Mina and Momo. The taller girl saw her and she quickly stood up from her seat.

"Sana chan, Tzuyu is here for you."Momo said with a teasing smirk, Sana just glared at her slightly

"Uhh... We will just leave you two here."Mina said as she pulled Momo with her

"Are you free for today?."Tzuyu asked

"Yes, why'd you ask?."Sana asked back

"I... Uhmm.. I just want to invite you for a dinner, if it's okay for you?."Tzuyu said while scratching the back of her neck

"I don't want to go outside, but if you want you can join me here since Mina and Momo will leave me here alone."Sana said which Tzuyu gladly smiled

"Yes sure, I'd love to."Tzuyu said with a wide smile

"But... Can you stay here till later? I.. I just wanted someone to talk to you know..."Sana said shyly

"Yes of course, I have nothing to do for today so I'm in."Tzuyu said as Sana returned an adorable smile

"Okay! Since Tzuyu will accompany you here, I think we can finally go now?."Momo said, she is now with her formal attire same with Mina, they were going to her friend's house slash crush, which is Dahyun

"You're going with Dahyun unnie, right?."Tzuyu said more like teasing her with a sly smirk

"Yes and she want me to accompany her, she's so weak right?."Mina said earning a slight slap from the other girl

"That two is just hiding their feelings for each other."Tzuyu whispered as Sana look at her in shock

"I knew it Dahyun likes her too."Sana said

"Right, she's too obvious though."Tzuyu said which Sana agreed

"I am right still here you know so you can now shut up."Momo said with a creased on her eyebrows

"Let's just go Momo chan."Mina said pulling her away

"Take care of Sana, Tzuyu. We will kill you if you did something bad to her."Momo said which the three of them chuckled

As the two Japanese girls leave Sana invited Tzuyu to her room to play with her pc.

Sana was playing with her pc while Tzuyu is playing with her laptop.

While Sana is busy playing a game she suddenly click the wrong word and it cause her to lose the game. She hit her hands through the table causing her to be hurt. Tzuyu immediately came closer to her from behind.

"Sana..."Tzuyu called her

Sana then stood up and she exactly stood just infront of Tzuyu. They started at each other until she realized how close their face was and Sana quickly moved back, not knowing Tzuyu is holding her hands. She accidentally pulled her with her, causing the taller to fall on her chest.

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