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3 weeks later

Tzuyu finally came back to Korea without any of them knowing it. The business that she is saying for was delayed as she is not yet ready so she decided to have some vacation in Taiwan for a meantime.

But now she is finally back. No one fetch her at the airport, of course it was a surprise comeback.

After her flight she just rested to the nearest hotel as her father said that she need to rest first. She can't just get  herself tired that's bad for her health.

One hour to go and the school is already open. She just don't want to stay in the hotel by herself she also want to see her friends and siblings now.

She then went outside but was block by the driver that her father have said. She's sick with this. She don't want anybody sticking with her, it annoys her.

"Ms. Chou, where are you going?."he asked

"I'm going to school for today."Tzuyu answered and about to go but the driver just block her way again

"But your father said you need to rest."he said

"Did he said that I'm not allowed to go to school?."Tzuyu asked which the driver shook his head
"Well that's great. So will you allow me to go and take my car now?."Tzuyu said

"Ms. Chou... Sorry but you're father don't allow you to drive alone."he reasoned out

"Then you drive for me."Tzuyu then started to walk which the driver face palm. He can't really win against Tzuyu
"Mr. Kim? What now? Let's go."Tzuyu said which the driver obeyed even if it's against him

The ride went silence as Tzuyu just played with her phone. The driver for sure report it to her father because if he don't he will surely get killed.

A moments have passed they already arrived at the school. Tzuyu quickly open her door by herself because she don't want anybody to do it for her. She had two hands to do it though. She don't need any help.

"Excuse me Mr. Kim but can I get my key back now?."Tzuyu asked for the key but the driver didn't move an inch
"Come on... Jeongyeon unnie and Jun are here for me. I won't tell it to Papa."Tzuyu whined

"Chou Tzuyu, stop being stubborn."her driver said which she pouted

"Oh! Mr. Kim! come on give her the key we will accompany her."Jun then came

"Twin!."Tzuyu then run towards him and gave him a hug

"How's our little sister?."Jun said breaking the hug

"I'm still alive!."Tzuyu chuckled but her twin brother don't

"You know that's not a good joke."he said in a serious tone

"Mr. Chou.. Here's the key. I'll just take a cab."the driver said and Tzuyu quickly snatch it

"Thanks."Tzuyu smiled

"Mr. Kim! Here take this."Jun said giving him a money
"Don't tell this to Papa, okay?."he said tapping the driver's back

"You know you can't pay me. No thank you."the driver said walking out

"Woahhhhhhhhh! You just did that? Seriously? Mr. Kim is loyal to our father anyway."Tzuyu shook her head

"Oh please don't make me pissed."Jun said as Tzuyu started to walk
"Where are you going?."he asked

"Why?."Tzuyu asked back

"You're gonna stalk Sana again?."Jun caught her

"No? Why would.."Tzuyu didn't finish her sentence when Jun carry her over his shoulder
"Ahh!!! Let me down!!."Tzuyu said and kept on punching her twin brother's back

"I won't."Jun said

Jun carried her until he reach her first class.

"Tzuyu? You came back?."Chaeyoung ask the moment Jun let Tzuyu down

"Just now."Jun answered for her as she was now sulking
"Goodbye my little sister!."Jun said in a teasing tone as he leave

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