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Sana and Momo are going to school for today. Mina is not going with them because she has a shoot. Mina is a model here in Korea that's why.

"Sana chan, you're not gonna do anything later in free time?."Mina asked

"I don't have, why?."Sana asked back

"Mina need a replacement in our practice and you're part of our dance so it can be easy for you. You also knew the choreo so can you?."Momo said with a puppy eyes trying to convince her friend

"I don't have a time for that."Sana said placing her arms over her chest

"But can you do it atleast, for me?."Mina said with a pleading eyes, Sana just rolled her eyes

"Or you don't want to be her replacement because of Tzuyu?."and with that Momo smirked

"I did not say that, I just..."Sana pause and glance at her two friends who is now pouting
"Fine."Sana forcefully said

"Great! I'll treat you later on, Sana chan."Mina said giving the older a hug

"Yeah whatever."Sana rolled her eyes


Sana already finished her three classes and this time she can now have her free time.

She is now walking to the hallway wondering if she will be going to the dance studio.

She don't know why she's feeling like this. I mean what is wrong of being part of their dance, she is just a replacement of Mina after all.

"Sana.."someone called her and her thoughts interrupted

Sana then turn her back to look who it was and found Tzuyu standing right behind her.

"What are you doing? Just standing here in the hallway?."Tzuyu asked

"Uhh..."Sana look down while playing with her fingers
"I'm going to the studio."Sana said

"Oh you're joining us?."Tzuyu asked

"No, I'm going to be Mina's replacement."Sana said as Tzuyu nodded her head

"You're going to be my partner for a meantime?."Tzuyu asked happily as Sana nodded her head
"Let's walk together then."Tzuyu said taking Sana's hand with hers

Sana then stare at their intertwined hands and it made her blush a little.

Again, she felt this tingly sensation through her stomach. But she's just brushing it away. Maybe it was because she is hungry. She didn't eat since earlier though.

She didn't even notice that they are finally infront of the dance studio. Tzuyu then pulled her inside. All of the stares are at them, especially her friend, Momo.

Tzuyu then remove her grip from her as she notice Sana's change of action.

As when Tzuyu remove her grip from her, Momo then stood up from her seat and excuse Sana away from Tzuyu.

"Are you two a thing?."Momo asked out of the blue

"What the hell? No."Sana denied, which is true

"I'm just asking, why you look so mad."Momo pouted.

"You're crazy you know."Sana said as she sat right next to Momo's seat

"Okay class! Just to inform you Sana is going to be a replacement of Mina. She is not gonna be here for some business matters."the dance instructor said as they all nodded their heads

They all started the practice and Sana of course being a distant to Tzuyu can't do the choreo well.

But for Tzuyu's words she was able to do it.

They did their practice well and after that they all came back to their own classes.

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