49 - PAIN

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"Mina ssi? Have you seen Sana?."Mark asked

"Oh she's at the cafeteria taking her lunch."Mina answered

"Oh thanks. Excuse me."Mark then headed to the cafeteria to find Sana

"He's just gonna ruin Tzuyu and Sana's moment."Momo came the moment she saw Mark leave

"You really hate him, huh? ."Mina chuckled

"No it's not like that, it's just I like Tzuyu for Sana more than him."Momo replied
"But I don't think they are just friends."she continued

"What do you mean by that?."Mina asked confusly

"Are you kissing your friends?."Momo asked which Mina frowned in confusion

"Of course that is just normal."Mina answered folding her arms over her chest
"Just be straight to the point, Hirai."Mina said

"I just saw them kissing in the parking lot and dude you don't know.."Momo was cutted off when Mina spoke up again

"What is wrong with that? I told you it's normal in friendship."Mina said but Momo shook her head

"Well for me they are making out that time. I even count the time when they did it."Momo said which the latter widened her eyes

"You're not kidding?."Mina asked

"Of course. If I have my phone that time, I'm sure I would definitely record it."Momo smirked

"What the fuck!."Mina hit her shoulders
"You should let their own privacy."Mina said glaring at her

"It's not my fault. It was accidentally. I was about to went home but then I saw that scene. You know I stayed here in school since 7."Momo said

"Come on let's go. Our friends is already finding us."Mina just ignored what she said and walk away



Sana and Mark are having some alone time to the other table while Tzuyu is staring at them. The other girls are also watching them. It was different when Sana look into Mark's eyes. She was indeed inlove with him.

But why did Sana kissed her that day then?

Sana is hella confusing.

Tzuyu was trying herself not to cry infront of many people. Watching her love ones together with the one who she truly loves.

A few moments. Tzuyu find herself having a hard time to breathe. Her hands was onto her chest, closing her eyes and suppressing the pain. Jeongyeon find out so she immediately ask her.

"Tzuyu are you okay?."Jeongyeon asked worriedly

"Is everything fine?."Nayeon asked same as Jeongyeon

"Tzuyu? Oh God I think she's having a difficultly of breathing."Jihyo said and with that Jeongyeon take something inside Tzuyu's bag and gave it to the latter

Tzuyu started to use the thing that any of those didn't know. The taller now started to calm but still she's breathing hard.

"Fuck, call Jun now and fix all the things in the car. Tell her next prof that she is not going to her class. It's an emergency."Jeongyeon then carried Tzuyu

"What happen to Tzuyu?."Mina asked worriedly the moment she came

"She can't breathe."Jihyo answered

In a fast motion Jeongyeon run through the parking lot with all the students staring at them. Wondering what just happen to Tzuyu.

"Jeongyeon ah! What happen to her?."Sana asked worriedly while looking at Tzuyu

"Sorry but she really need to go."Jeongyeon said and take her sister inside the car

"Sana, Can you help me?."Jun asked as Sana did not hesitate to nod her head
"Can you take Tzuyu's bag and bring it to our house? I'm sorry I don't have anyone to make it do so."Jun said

"It's fine. I'll take it."Sana said nodding

"Jun! Come on! We can now take her."Jeongyeon shouted as Jun take a last look at Sana before he hop inside the car driver's seat

"I hope she's okay."Sana mumbled

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