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"Our daughter really got her auntie Tzuyu's personality."Jeongyeon whispered

Tzuyu is now at the kitchen preparing for their foods.

"She also got her face. Fuck, I'm jealous. We are her parents but Tzuyu got it all. I'm crying, really."Nayeon said which made Jeongyeon laugh

"Don't worry because she have your confidence. Like she's so full of herself."Jeongyeon said earning a hard slap from her wife
"What? It's true though."Jeongyeon chuckled

"Momma? Mom? Breakfast is ready. Stop bickering, will you?."Tzuyu said taking off the apron

"I'm coming, baby Tzu!."Nayeon said and stood up

"I'm going first!."Jeongyeon said pushing her partner

The two fought for who will go first while their daughter is just watching them in full dissapointment.

"Momma, Mom. Please sop fighting infront of the food."Tzuyu started which the two stop in an instant

"Sorry. It's your mom's fault."Jeongyeon said with an annoying smile making her partner frown

"It's not me. It's you. You're always teasing me since then. When will you stop?."Nayeon said with a pout

"That's how I show my love for you."Jeongyeon hugged her from her side

"It's annoying you know."Nayeon rolled her eyes

"Annoying you is what I lived for."Jeongyeon said sniffing Nayeon's neck

"SHUT THE HELL UP."Nayeon said in a mad tone. She's literally mad now

"Why don't you try being sweet with Mom, Momma?."Tzuyu said

"No. I can't. It's just.. It makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up."Jeongyeon said acting as if she was going to throw up

"I won't let you sleep on the bed later."Nayeon said sternly leaving her partner in shock

"Oh that was hurt."Tzuyu chuckled

"I was just kidding!."Jeongyeon panicked

"Shut up."Nayeon then stood up
"I'm done."she then left

"Look what have you done, Momma."Tzuyu shook her head

"Finish your food. I'm gonna follow her."

"Can they stop bickering just for once."Tzuyu said shooking her head


Sana's place

"Sana's blood was really strong. You got all her features even her personality."Mark said while smiling

"I'm happy to hear that but I'm sad at the same time because I didn't even met her for once."Sana said in a sad tone as Mark patted her head to comfort her

"Don't worry my little, Sana. I know your mother is very proud of her little daughter in heaven."Mark said and kissed her head

"You know, Dad. You kept on calling me 'my little Sana' I'm already 24 and a grown up now though."Sana pouted making her father laugh

"Sorry but whenever I call you 'Sana' I always remember your mom."Mark then lowered down his head

"Then why did you name me after her?."Sana asked crossing her arms

"Because you look a lot like her. I saw her eyes on you when you are still a kid. And now that you've grown up, you look really like her."Mark said as he stare at her daughter a little while before Sana excused herself upstairs

I really don't believe in reincarnation. But Sometimes I think you are born to be reincarnated by your mother. And this time to be with Tzuyu. Nayeon and Jeongyeon's daughter was really a carbon copy of Tzuyu. How funny they also named their child after her. I hope this time you two will live happily.. forever.

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