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Afternoon comes Tzuyu was woken up when someone's voice interrupted her sleep. She slowly opens her eyes just to saw a whining squirrel on top of her.

"Hey? Are you okay?."Tzuyu asked still with her husky voice. Sana didn't answer instead she heard sobs

Sana has been like this since they woke up early in the morning. Her abdomen was aching since she got woke up that's why Sana was now laying on top of the taller girl.

"Your abdomen is making you hurt so bad, if it's okay to take it away from you I already did."Tzuyu softly said caressing Sana's back to make her feel better for just a little

"Uhh I don't know what to do with this. I always feel this when I'm on my period."Sana cried

"I know how."Tzuyu said as Sana look up at her with a questioning look

"What is it then?."Sana asked

"I'll make you pregnant."Tzuyu said earning a slap from the older

"What the hell Tzuyu!."Sana cutely frown making Tzuyu giggled and pinch her cheek

"You don't like that? You won't feel that in 9 months."Tzuyu chuckled as Sana put her head down hard to Tzuyu's neck making her whimper in pain

"I swear Tzuyu.."Sana said and Tzuyu could hear through her voice that she is mad

"As if I have sperm and you know.."Tzuyu chuckled as Sana stare at her

"You know sometimes I hate you for being like this."Sana pouted

"I love seeing you angry like that."Tzuyu teased more

"Fuck you!."Sana exclaimed

"You're on period, right? But okay let's do it."Tzuyu said as she sat up making Sana scream on the top of her lungs

"You're such a dirty minded Yoda!."Sana then stood up stomping her feet

Tzuyu just laugh out loud seeing Sana being like that.

"It's effective! You did not feel the pain anymore and you can now walk properly!."Tzuyu shouted but got no answer so she stood up from her bed
"I'm just going to prepare our breakfast now!."Tzuyu shouted

"I don't want to eat your cooked foods!."Sana shouted back

"What do you want to eat then? Me?."Tzuyu asked as she heard something fall from the bathroom. She laughed and run downstairs before the mad squirrel might hit her

As when Tzuyu got down, there she saw Mark with Jun on his side.

"Twin. Mark wants to talk to you."Jun said as he stood up, Tzuyu just nodded and Jun excuse himself

"I heard the news about you wanting to propose to Sana."Mark started

"Hmm? What we'll do about that?."Tzuyu asked

"I don't want to interfere anymore but have you ever think that's too fast?."Mark said

"I'm sure with Sana."

"Then what? You will just leave her alone when.."Mark didn't finish his own sentence

"I know Sana and you are still together, Mark."Tzuyu said which got shock the latter

"Since when?."

"Since you two see each other. I'm just making myself fool but it's fine. I still kept on holding on. I would definitely believe everything even if all of it were lies."

"Okay then do what you want. I'm just here to talk to you about that so can I take my leave now?."Mark said as Tzuyu nodded her head

Mark was about to leave when..

"She may have your last name, but you will never have her heart."

I Love you, Goodnight | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now