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Morning comes. Sana was sleeping to her room until she heard someone knocking on her door. She stood up lazily to open up the door revealing her dad, now with his business outfit.

"Someone is looking for you downstairs. They're names are Son Heejin and Kim Chaewon. They are your friend, right?."he said

"Yes. But they come here so early."Sana stretched her hands up still feeling sleepy

"You better go downstairs now. Don't make them wait. I'm leaving now. Take care of yourself okay?."he said kissing Sana's forehead and leave

Sana lazily walk downstairs and met her two friends. Her two friends are full of smiles as they saw Sana. The older didn't bother to fix herself. She's still with her messy hair and PJ's.

"You look cute with your squirrel PJ's."Heejin said more like teasing as Chaewon chuckled

"Stop making fun of me."Sana then slammed the door infront of their faces

"That's not how you treat your friends, Sana."her dad said who is now by her side

With that her dad open up the door since he's now leaving.

"You can come in and feel like home."he said as he left

"Aw your dad was kind but you..."Chaewon clicked her tounge making the other girl chuckled

"Please, it's early in the morning. Don't make me pissed."Sana gritted her teeth

"Sorry! We won't do it again."Heejin smiled

"Just be sure."Sana crossed her arms

"By the way we'll go somewhere. Want to come?."Heejin said

"I'm just going to take a shower and eat breakfast."Sana said

"Okay then let's just meet up to my parents house."Chaewon said

"Really? Your house was far! Let's just meet at my house."Heejin said but Chaewon didn't agree




"Shut up and let's just meet here."Sana scowls

"Okay."the two said smiling like nothing happened


Soon the three girls just ended up to Heejin's house since the club is not open so they decided to stay there.

"Is this Sana? Oh my gosh she looks beautiful and she look a lot like her mom."Heejin's mom said

"She's a carbon copy of her mom."Heejin's other mom said. Yes Heejin has two mother. The two got married and got Heejin

"Mina ya! Have you seen... Oh Chaewon! There you are. You didn't told me that you're leaving."Chaewon's mom said glaring at her

"Shh Momo chan. You know your daughter will just go out with Heejin."Mina said

"Didn't you tell your daughter that we have a party tonight?."Dahyun suddenly came

"Not yet."Chaeyoung replied

"I know!."Chaewon raised her hand

"Yeah so.. Sana? You should invite Mark."Dahyun said but Sana shook her head

"He's busy. He just got to work earlier."Sana answered

"Oh. I forgot he's such a workaholic guy."Dahyun chuckled

"We invited Jeongyeon and Nayeon unnie with their daughter. Oh my God! You will finally meet their daughter Sana! You two will look good together."Momo said excitedly

"But they didn't even met each other for once though."Mina said

"They did."Heejin suddenly said

"Ho—"Chaeyoung was about to ask when someone suddenly came

"It's nice seeing you all again!!!."Nayeon yelled while walking towards them

"Lower down your voice."Jeongyeon said glaring at her wife

"Sana the second is here! Goodness you really look a lot like your mom."Nayeon cupped her face

"By the way we would like you to meet.. our daughter, Tzuyu."

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