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Many years ago..

After Tzuyu died Sana has always been feeling dizzy. She always felt it every morning. She didn't mind it at first but it comes to the day that it got worse so she decided to go to the hospital. There she knew that she was pregnant.

She told her two Japanese friends about it. They want her to tell it to Mark, but she didn't. That day Mark didn't showed up to her. Mark went back to his hometown to move on.

That day she got coward of telling Mark that he is the father of her baby. For all the things she have done with Mark she don't know how to face him. Until it got to the point that she is now going to give a birth to her daughter. That day was also the day Mark got off to Korea.

While giving birth she died.

Sana got to name her child after her. That was her last word she got before she died of giving a birth with her little Sana.

After 1 year the two Japanese girls find Mark and told him about it. Little Sana was still 'Minatozaki' since Mark was not there when Sana give a birth. And Mark don't have time to change it into his surnmae until she got toddler.

Little Sana grew up in Korea with Momo and Mina's place since Mark is always busy with his work but he do take care of his daughter. He loves her just like his love for his ex lover, Sana. His whole staying in Los Angeles didn't made him move on. Sana is still inside his heart. It hurts him knowing she doesn't love him anymore but what else he can do. He accepted it, he accepted all of it.

When little Sana got eight years old they moved to Los Angeles since Mark needs to.

"Dad! When will we go back to Korea. I miss auntie Mina and auntie Momo and Heejin and Chaewon."little Sana pouted making her dad giggled

"Don't worry my little Sana. We will go back to Korea soon. Just wait for that time okay?."Mark said messing with her hair

"Okay! Can we just go shopping outside. Please!!."little Sana said making cute actions. Mark just sighed. He can't say no to his daughter after all

"Just get dress and be a good girl okay?."Mark said which made little Sana jumped in happiness

"Thank you dad!."little Sana said giving her dad a kisses all over his face

"Okay okay! You gotta change now."Mark said as Sana hurriedly run to her room
"I really saw you in your daughter, Sana."he said with a smile

After many years of mocking. Mark finally gave in. After so many years, they visited Korea again. Sana was already 17. She do really missed Korea. Mark can't go to Korea since he can't leave his job and he just can't let Sana travel alone. She's still a minor.

But after two years they got back to Los Angeles again for some business matters. Sana don't want to since she don't want to leave her two aunties and friends. She do have a friends in Los Angeles but not compared to Heejin and Chaewon. She really love that two even though they are always teasing her.

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